2.3.4 Switch Debouncer

The timer can be configured to be used as a hardware-based switch debouncer as per the settings shown in Table 2-10.
Table 2-10. Timer Configuration
Timer SettingValue
STARTEither ERS Edge
RESETAt Start + PR Match
CSYNC (Clock Sync)Sync
EPOL (ERS Polarity)

True Level (to trigger to rising edge)

Inverted Level (to trigger to falling edge)

PR (Period Register)Desired minimum pulse width

Initialize the timer counter by setting the CLR command. When the input rises (changes from 0 to 1), the counter will begin counting. Any more input changes will be ignored unless a rising edge occurs near the PR match, which will override the Stop condition, reset the counter, and continue counting. This is shown in Figure 2-13.

With any input change, the counter is reset and begins counting. When the counter reaches PR, the output changes and causes an interrupt. This is shown in Figure 2-13 below. The interrupt software, knowing that the input is stable, can read the raw switch input to determine if the switch is open or closed. Alternatively, the D flip-flop in a CLC may be used to sample the input, as illustrated below in Figure 2-14.
Figure 2-13. Switch Debouncer
Figure 2-14. UTMR and CLC Connection