1.2 Recommended Reading

This user’s guide describes the use and features of the MPLAB XC8 PIC Assembler. The following Microchip documents are available and recommended as supplemental reference resources.

MPLAB® XC8 PIC Assembler User's Guide

This user’s guide describes the use and features of the MPLAB XC8 PIC Assembler.

MPLAB® XC8 PIC Assembler Migration Guide

This guide is for customers who have MPASM projects and who wish to migrate them to the MPLAB XC8 PIC assembler. It describes the nearest equivalent assembler syntax and directives for MPASM code.

MPLAB® XC8 C Compiler Release Notes for PIC MCU

For the latest information on changes and bug fixes to this assembler, read the Readme file in the docs subdirectory of the MPLAB XC8 installation directory.

Development Tools Release Notes

For the latest information on using other development tools, read the tool-specific Readme files in the docs subdirectory of the MPLAB X IDE installation directory.