OSAL Extension for FreeRTOS

OSAL (Operating System Abstraction Layer) Extension for FreeRTOS provide extension for OSAL mappings for the FreeRTOS Real-time operating system. The following table defines OSAL routines.
Table 1-9. 
Fuction NameShort Description
OSAL_QUEUE_CreateCreates a new queue instance
OSAL_QUEUE_CreateSetCreates a new queue set instance
OSAL_QUEUE_AddToSetAdds the queues and semaphores to the set
OSAL_QUEUE_SelectFromSetBlock to wait for something to be available from the queues or semaphore that have been added to the set
OSAL_QUEUE_SendPost an item into an OSAL Queue
OSAL_QUEUE_SendISRPost an item into an OSAL Queue from ISR
OSAL_QUEUE_ReceiveReceive an item from an OSAL Queue
OSAL_QUEUE_IsFullISRQuery if an OSAL Queue is full