38.5 Power Consumption

The values in the below table are measured values of power consumption under the following conditions, except where noted:

  • Operating conditions
    • VVDDIN = 3.3 V
  • Wake up time from sleep mode is measured from the edge of the wakeup signal to the execution of the first instruction fetched in flash.
  • Oscillators
    • XOSC32K (32 kHz crystal oscillator) stopped
    • XOSC (crystal oscillator) running with external 32MHz clock on XIN
    • DFLL48M stopped
  • Clocks
    • XOSC used as main clock source, except otherwise specified
    • CPU, AHB clocks undivided
    • APBA clock divided by 4
    • APBB and APBC bridges off
  • The following AHB module clocks are running: NVMCTRL, APBA bridge
    • All other AHB clocks stopped
  • The following peripheral clocks running: PM, SYSCTRL, RTC
    • All other peripheral clocks stopped
  • I/Os are inactive with internal pull-up
  • CPU is running on flash with 1 wait states
  • Cache enabled
  • BOD33 disabled
Table 38-5. Current Consumption (Silicon Revisions A, B, C, D, E, and F)
ACTIVECPU running a While(1) algorithm105°C-2.552.75mA
CPU running a While(1) algorithm VDDIN=1.8V,
CPU is running on Flash with 3 wait states-2.562.82
CPU running a While(1) algorithm, CPU is
running on Flash with 3 wait states with
GCLKIN as reference-42*freq +31842*freq +432μA
(with freq in MHz)
CPU running a Fibonacci algorithm-4.214.59mA
CPU running a Fibonacci algorithm
VDDIN=1.8V, CPU is running on flash with 3
wait states-4.234.57
CPU running a Fibonacci algorithm, CPU is
running on Flash with 3 wait states with
GCLKIN as reference-80*freq +32082*freq +432μA
(with freq in MHz)
CPU running a CoreMark algorithm-6.026.54mA
CPU running a CoreMark algorithm
VDDIN=1.8V, CPU is running on flash with 3
wait states-5.215.57
CPU running a CoreMark algorithm, CPU is
running on Flash with 3 wait states with
GCLKIN as reference-96*freq +32298*freq +432μA
(with freq in MHz)


(rev. E silicon)

XOSC32K running
 / RTC running at 1kHz(1)105°C-214627μA
XOSC32K and RTC stopped (1)105°C-212624


(rev. F silicon)

XOSC32K running
 / RTC running at 1kHz (1)105°C-175452μA
XOSC32K and RTC stopped (1)105°C-173450
  1. Measurements were done with SYSCTRL->VREG.bit.RUNSTDBY = 1
Table 38-6. Current Consumption (Silicon Revision G)
Modeconditions TaVccTyp.Max.Units
ACTIVECPU running a While 1 algorithm105°C3.3V3.33.6mA
CPU running a While 1 algorithm, with GCLKIN as reference105°C3.3V56*Freq+25455*Freq+596
CPU running a Fibonacci algorithm105°C3.3V4.24.6
CPU running a Fibonacci algorithm, with GCLKIN as reference105°C3.3V75*Freq+25473*Freq+594
CPU running a CoreMark algorithm105°C3.3V4.95.4
CPU running a CoreMark algorithm, with GCLKIN as reference105°C3.3V87*Freq+25786*Freq+597
IDLE0 105°C3.3V1.82.1
IDLE1 105°C3.3V1.21.5
IDLE2 105°C3.3V1.01.2
STANDBYXOSC32K running, RTC running at 1kHz RTC running at 1kHz (1)105°C3.3V175.0452.0µA
XOSC32K and RTC stopped (1) 105°C3.3V173.0450.0
Note: Measurements done with VREG.bit.RUNSTDBY = 1.
Table 38-7. Wake-up Time
IDLE0OSC8M used as main clock source, Cache disabled105°C3.844.1μs
IDLE1OSC8M used as main clock source, Cache disabled12.814.315.7
IDLE2OSC8M used as main clock source, Cache disabled13.715.216.6
STANDBYOSC8M used as main clock source, Cache disabled18.720.121.6
Figure 38-1. Measurement Schematic