30.12.5 Control C

Offset: 0x06
Reset: 0x00
Property: PAC Write-Protection, Read-synchronized, Write-Synchronized

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0000 

Bits 4, 5 – CPTENx Capture Channel x Enable

These bits are used to select the capture or compare operation on channel x.

Writing a '1' to CPTENx enables capture on channel x.

Writing a '0' to CPTENx disables capture on channel x.

Bits 0, 1 – INVENx Waveform Output x Inversion Enable

These bits are used to select inversion on the output of channel x.

Writing a '1' to INVENx inverts output from WO[x].

Writing a '0' to INVENx disables inversion of output from WO[x].