2.1.1 crypto_Sym_Status_E


This enum is used to represent the return type of Symmetric algorithm APIs.

Enumeration Data TypesNumerical ValueDescription
CRYPTO_SYM_ERROR_CIPNOTSUPPTD-127Error when cipher algorithm not supported by crypto software component.
CRYPTO_SYM_ERROR_CTX-126Error when context pointer is NULL.
CRYPTO_SYM_ERROR_KEY-125Error when key length is above or below its range or key pointer is NULL.
CRYPTO_SYM_ERROR_HDLR-124Error when handler type is invalid.
CRYPTO_SYM_ERROR_OPMODE-123Error when operation mode (ECB, CBC, or others) is invalid.
CRYPTO_SYM_ERROR_IV-122Error when initialization vector pointer is NULL or its length is 0.
CRYPTO_SYM_ERROR_INPUTDATA-121Error when input data length is zero or its pointer is NULL.
CRYPTO_SYM_ERROR_OUTPUTDATA-120Error when output data pointer is NULL.
CRYPTO_SYM_ERROR_CIPOPER-119Error when cipher operation (encryption or decryption) is invalid.
CRYPTO_SYM_ERROR_SID-118Error when session ID is zero or its value is more than max session configure in configurations.
CRYPTO_SYM_ERROR_ARG-117Error when any other argument is invalid. For example, tweak value pointer is NULL for AES-XTS.
CRYPTO_SYM_ERROR_CIPFAIL-116Error when encryption or decryption operation failed due to any reason.
CRYPTO_SYM_CIPHER_SUCCESS0Cipher operation is completed successfully.