Additional DFLL48M Features

Dealing with Delay in the DFLL48M in Closed-Loop Mode

Note: During a maximum 30 cycles of the reference clock period, between lock flag asserted and frequency stabilization, DFLL accuracy will be limited. To minimize the cycle-to-cycle jitter during lock search, in addition to selecting a low step value (DFLLMUL.FSTEP, DFLLMUL.CSTEP), it is recommended to disable the Quick Lock feature.

The time from selecting a new CLK_DFLL48M frequency until this frequency is output by the DFLL48M can be up to several microseconds. If the value in DFLLMUL.MUL is small, this can lead to instability in the DFLL48M locking mechanism, which can prevent the DFLL48M from achieving lock. To avoid this, a chill cycle, during which the CLK_DFLL48M frequency is not measured, can be enabled. The chill cycle is enabled by default, but can be disabled by writing a one to the DFLL Chill Cycle Disable bit (DFLLCTRLB.CCDIS) in the DFLL Control register. Enabling chill cycles might double the lock time.

Another solution to this problem consists of using less strict lock requirements. This is called Quick Lock (QL), which is also enabled by default, but it can be disabled by writing a one to the Quick Lock Disable bit (DFLLCTRLB.QLDIS) in the DFLL Control register. The Quick Lock might lead to a larger spread in the output frequency than chill cycles, but the average output frequency is the same.

DFLL48M Lose Lock After Wake

DFLL48M can optionally reset its lock bit when it is disabled or stopped (not requested). This is configured by the Lose Lock After Wake bit (DFLLCTRLB.LLAW) in the DFLL Control register. If DFLLCTRLB.LLAW is zero, when the DFLL48M is re-enabled or requested again, it starts running with the same configuration as before being disabled, even if the reference clock is not available. The lock will not be lost. Therefore it is important that the user checks that the DFLL48M has reached the lock stage before entering a sleep mode. When the reference clock has restarted, the TUNE tracking will quickly compensate for any frequency drift during sleep if DFLLCTRLB.STABLE is zero. If DFLLCTRLB.LLAW is one when disabling or stopping the DFLL48M, the DFLL48M will lose its lock and needs to regain it through the full lock sequence.

DFLL48M Wait for Lock

DFLL48M can optionally control the issued clock. This is configured by the Wait For Lock bit (DFLLCTRLB.WAITLOCK) in the DFLL Control register. If DFLLCTRLB.WAITLOCK is zero, the DFLL48M will issue a clock immediately after the ready bit (STATUS.DFLLRDY) has risen. If DFLLCTRLB.WAITLOCK is one, the DFLL48M will issue a clock immediately after the lock bit (STATUS.DFLLCK) has risen. Using the wait for lock feature allows a better accuracy of the issued DFLL48M clock, conversely it increases the startup time of the DFLL48M clock.

DFLL48M Accuracy

The following two main factors that determine the accuracy of DFLL48M which can be tuned to obtain maximum accuracy when fine lock is achieved.

  • Resolution: The frequency step between two tune values.
  • The accuracy of the reference clock.

DFLL48M Backup oscillator

The DFLL48M has an alternate 6 MHz backup oscillator. At any DFLL48M oscillator power-up, the 6 MHz backup oscillator is started and watches for DFLL48M oscillations. If no oscillation is present after the longest DFLL48M startup time, the DFLL48M clock is switched to the 6 MHz backup oscillator.

The DFLL Startup Failure bit in the STATUS register (STATUS.DFLLFAIL) will be set. The INTFLAG.DFLLFAIL bit is set on a zero-to-one transition of STATUS.DFLLFAIL and an interrupt is generated if the DFLL Startup Failure bit in the Interrupt Enable Set register (INTENSET.DFLLFAIL) is set.