
The PIC18-Q24 microcontroller family is available in 28/40/44/48-pin devices for sensor-interfacing, real-time control and communication applications. The family showcases a Multi-Voltage I/O (MVIO) interface with multiple pins I/O powered by an alternative VDD pin, allowing these pins to operate at a different voltage domain than the rest of the microcontroller. This family also features a 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter with Computation (ADCC) capable of 300 ksps, and the 8-bit Signal Routing Port module to interconnect digital peripherals without using external pins.

Additionally, the PIC18-Q24 microcontroller family offers Enhanced Code Protection features that can be used to provide increased security and protection of user firmware and data. These Enhanced Code Protection features include the ability to disable the programming and debugging interface to allow for one time device programmability and effectively block any unauthorized attempts to communicate with the device via the ICSP interface.

Additional features include vectored interrupt controller with fixed latency for handling interrupts; system bus arbiter; Direct Memory Access (DMA) capabilities; Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter (UART) with support for asynchronous, DMX-512, Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI®) and Local Interconnect Network (LIN) protocols; Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI); and I2C. This family also includes memory features such as Memory Access Partition (MAP) and the Device Information Area (DIA) which stores factory calibration values to help improve temperature sensor accuracy.