Launch the Tool

The following are the steps to launch the Microchip RNBD Utility tool:
  1. To launch the tool, double click RNBD_DFU_OTAPC_Vx.x.x.exe.
  2. The tool has two separate tabs for each feature. By default, the DFU tab is selected.
  3. From the COM dropdown option, select the respective COM Port.
  4. From the “Baud Rate” drop down list, select the baud rate. For example, select 115200.
  5. Click Connect to continue.
    Figure 8-5. Microchip RNBD Utility Tool Serial DFU Tab View
  6. After clicking the Connect button, the following buttons become active:
    • Browse
    • Update
    • Disconnect
    The OTAPC tab is greyed out.
  7. If the connection is successful, the console text log displays the COM port and baud rate.
Figure 8-6. Microchip RNBD Utility Tool Serial DFU Tab Connection Established