8.3.2 OTAPC

The OTAPC firmware update procedure happens OTA between two RNBD451 modules. The outcome of this procedure is to update the firmware on a remote RNBD451 device that is initiated from a central RNBD451 device. The tool functionality operation happens at the central device side, where the user initiates the scanning and chooses an intended RNBD451 device. Establish a Bluetooth Low Energy link connection between these two devices and initiate the firmware update with the help of the OTAPC command set support.

In the OTAPC-based device firmware update method, the central device sends a firmware update request to the peripheral device. The peripheral device must approve the request by sending a “OTAA,01” response. Only then can the user start the firmware update process.

To approve the firmware update request at the peripheral side, the user must have a separate serial terminal opened for that COM Port. This is the additional step that a user must consider for the OTAPC-based firmware update.

In the real-time application, the remote device (peripheral) can be connected to a host MCU, and the host MCU code can handle the approval of the firmware update request. In the demonstration method, the user can consider the serial terminal as a replacement of the host MCU.
Figure 8-17. Firmware Update using Over-the-Air Profile Client (OTAPC)