6.4 Security Features

Table 6-2. Security Features
TrustZoneSecurity EnclavePartition secure/non-secure worldArm technology
Cortex MMUMemory Management UnitCortex-A5 Memory Management Unit
PIOI/O Control/ Peripheral AccessWhen a peripheral is not selected (PIO-controlled), I/O lines have no access to the peripheral.
FreezeCapability to freeze either the functional part or the physical part of the configuration.Once the freeze command is issued, no modifications to the current configuration are possible. Only a hardware reset allows a change to the configuration.
Classical Advanced Software Crypto LIbrary (CASCL)CryptographySoftware ECC (Asymmetric key algorithm, elliptic curves)Software library(1)
Software RSA (Asymmetric key algorithm)
TDES, TRNGHardware-accelerated Triple DESFIPS-compliant(2)
True Random Number Generator
AES, SHAHardware-accelerated AES up to 256 bits
SHA up to 512 and HMAC-SHA
Secure BootCode encrypted/decrypted, Trusted Code AuthenticationHardware SHA (HMAC) + Software RSA or AES Hardware (CMAC)
AESBAES on-the-flyOn-the-fly encryption/decryption for DDR and QSPI memoriesAES128
MemoriesScramblingOn-the-fly scrambling/unscrambling for memoriesAll internal and external memories such as QSPI, DDR, and all memories on SMC
ICMMemory Integrity Check MonitoringUses a hardware Secure Hash Algorithm
(up to SHA256)More robust than CRC.

All internal and external memories such as QSPI, DDR, and all memories on SMC can be monitored

SECUMODJTAGJTAG entry monitorThese tamper pins (JTAG, test, PIOBUs, etc.) can be configured to immediately erase Backup memories (BUSRAM4KB and BUREG256b), or generate an interrupt or a wakeup signal.
TestTest entry monitor
IO Tamper Pin8 tamper detection pins. Active and Dynamic modes supported.
Secure Backup SRAM5 Kbytes scrambled and non-imprinting avoiding data persistance4 Kbytes erasable on tamper detection
Secure Backup Registers256-bit register bank, scrambledErasable on tamper detection
RTCRTCTimestamping of tamper events. Protection against bad configuration (invalid entry for date and time are impossible)All events are logged in the RTC. Timestamping gives the source of the reset/erase memory/interruption
RTC robustness against glitch attack on 32 kHz crystal oscillator
Secure FuseJTAG Access ControlDisable JTAG access by fuse bit
Secure Debug DisableJTAG debug allowed in Normal mode only, not in Secure modeTrustZone
  1. A PCI-certified Advanced Software Crypto Library (ASCL) is available under NDA.
  2. Refer to the sections on each peripheral for details on FIPS compliancy.