Comparator Configuration

Each individual comparator must be configured by its respective Comparator Control register (COMPCTRLx) before that comparator is enabled. These settings cannot be changed while the comparator is enabled.

  • Select the desired measurement mode with COMPCTRLx.SINGLE. See Starting a Comparison for more details.
  • Select the desired hysteresis with COMPCTRLx.HYSTEN. See Input Hysteresis for more details.
  • Select the comparator speed versus power with COMPCTRLx.SPEED. See Propagation Delay vs. Power Consumption for more details.
  • Select the interrupt source with COMPCTRLx.INTSEL.
  • Select the positive and negative input sources with the COMPCTRLx.MUXPOS and COMPCTRLx.MUXNEG bits. See Selecting Comparator Inputs for more details.
  • Select the filtering option with COMPCTRLx.FLEN.
  • Select standby operation with Run in Standby bit (COMPCTRLx.RUNSTDBY).

The individual comparators are enabled by writing a '1' to the Enable bit in the Comparator x Control registers (COMPCTRLx.ENABLE). The individual comparators are disabled by writing a '0' to COMPCTRLx.ENABLE. Writing a '0' to CTRLA.ENABLE will also disable all the comparators, but will not clear their COMPCTRLx.ENABLE bits.