It is necessary to make the following changes in the SAM4CMS-DB or SAM4CMP-DB to ensure the correct communication between SAM4CMS-DB/SAM4CMP-DB and PL460-EK:

  • Remove R346, R354 and R355. These resistors are placed near the Xplained PRO connector (J13). Now, the ports are exclusive to the JTAG
  • Join Pin7 of the Xplained PRO connector (J13) with Pin2 of connector J10. So, PL460_NRST is controlled with the PA28 port
  • Join Pin9 of the Xplained PRO connector (J13) with Pin1 of connector J10. So, PL460_EXTIN is controlled with the PA26 port

Besides, it is necessary to make the following changes in the SAM4CMS-DB or SAM4CMP-DB to support the PVDD Monitor:

  • Remove R345. This resistor is placed near the Xplained PRO connector (J13). So, the PB13 port can be used by the PVDD Monitor
  • Join Pin3 of the Xplained PRO connector (J13) with Pin8 of connector J12. So, the PL460_PVDD_Monitor is controlled with the PB13 port
  • Join Pin8 of the Xplained PRO connector (J13) with Pin3 of connector J10. So, the PL460_ENABLE is controlled with the PA27 port

In addition, it is necessary to make the following changes in the SAM4CMS-DB or SAM4CMP-DB to support the Thermal Monitor:

  • Join Pin10 of Xplained PRO connector (J13) with Pin15 of connector J12. So, the PL460_NTHW0 is controlled with the PA22 port