5 ATA8510 EEPROM Configuration

Program the provided EEPROM file (/eeprom_config/eep_wmbus.hex) to use the Flash software. Use the ATA8510 configuration tool to do any changes in the EEPROM configuration. The following are the steps to open the ATA8510_FLASH_wMBus.X project file:
  1. Run mplab_ide64.exe to launch the MPLAB X IDE.
  2. Open the ATA8510_FLASH_wMBus.X file.
  3. Go to File>Open Project>C:\Microchip\ATA8510_wMBus_REL_V10\ATA8510_FLASH_wMBus.X.
  4. Click Open Project.
    Figure 5-1. ATA8510_FLASH_wMBus.X Opening Project
  5. To check the project properties, right click the ATA8510_Flash_wMBus and select Properties.
    Figure 5-2. ATA8510_FLASH_wMBus.X Project Properties
  6. In the Project Properties window, program and configure the EEPROM via “Extra loadables”.
    Figure 5-3. Extra Loadables Project Properties
Note: Do not use the hex-file export of the ATA8510 configuration tool directly as a loadable hex file because the user must add an offset to the EEPROM location. Therefore, a power-shell script is called as a pre-build step to add the offset to the hex-file.