37.1 Rev.B - 12/2021

  • Data sheet status changed to “Completed”: final limits added to the Electrical Characteristics, Typical Characteristics expanded, and package top markings added
  • Editorial updates throughout the document
CPUINTDescription of the IVSEL bit in the CTRLA register improved: When the entire Flash is configured as BOOT section, the IVSEL bit in the CTRLA register is ignored.
PORTSlew rate limitation functionality added: Slew Rate Limit Enable (SLR) bit in the Port Control (PORTCTRL) register.
USARTDescription of the IREI bit in the EVCTRL register corrected
TWICTRLA.SDASETUP is used in client mode to select the clock hold time to ensure minimum setup time
ADCPGA initialization time is 20 µs
Electrical Characteristics
Typical CharacteristicsPlots added