4.7 Limitations

The SAM R34 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit is optimized for operation in the 902-928 and 868 MHz bands. The RF signal path is not designed to operate in the 470 MHz band. The RFI_LF and RFO_LF signals are not connected. Contact Microchip technical support for advice on 470 MHz band operation.

The XPRO system includes an RF Switch and a Temperature Controlled Crystal Oscillator (TCXO). The TCXO is required to achieve the exceptionally low receiver-sensitivity and generous link-budget. The RF switch directs TX/RX signal flow in the RF signal path. It also allows users to evaluate both the high-power PA_BOOST and high-efficiency RFO_HF modes. Both the TCXO and RF Switch consume additional power when compared to the SAMR34 Data Sheet specifications. The additional consumption needs to be factored into laboratory measurements with the SAM R34 XPRO. See the following table for details.

Table 4-17. SAM R34 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit Additional Power Consumers
REF_DESDescriptionMFGMPNTypical Sleep CurrentTypical Active Current
U900RF SwitchSkyworksSKY13373-460LF5 µA60 µA
XC1TCXOEpson TG2016SMNN/A1.8 mA