8 Known Issues

#DescriptionAffected Devices
1I2CSIMPLE module does not support CAL Polling methodAll Supported Devices
2The CAL library does not take decimal I2C device addressesAll Supported Devices
3Include paths required by CAL are not added to the project when code is generated in MPLAB Xpress.


  • Open Project Properties in MPLAB Xpress.
  • Navigate to XC8 Compiler → Include directories.
  • Add mcc_generated_files/CryptoAuthenticationLibrary path in the Include directories field.
  • Click on Apply and then click on OK for adding this path in the Project Properties.
All Supported Devices
4When upgrading to MPLAB X v6.05/MCC v5.2 on an existing MCC Classic configuration it may be neccessary to update your MCC libraries for some GUIs to display properly.


  • Open the MCC configuration.
  • Open the Content Manager from the Device Recources pane.
  • In the Content Manager press "Select Latest Versions" button followed by "Apply" button and it will automatically update all libraries.
  • Restart MCC.
Note: You need to have internet access to perfom the updates.
All Supported Devices