5.3.6 11-byte Config Bits Registers and CRC Introduction

The Configuration settings allow the user to select the oscillators, reset sources and memory protection from the several options available on the device. They are latched in place at the power-up and also after programming of the device. These Configuration bits registers also include the registers used by the CRC module to hold important values like seed values and expected values. Supported Device Families

PIC18F-Q83 PIC18F-Q84 Required Header Files:

#include "mcc_generated_files/system/config_bits.h" Sample Code

Note: The below code is an example code only and the value for each config bit setting will vary depending on the setup on the Configuration Bits module.

#pragma config FEXTOSC = ECH     // External Oscillator Selection->EC (external clock) above 8 MHz
#pragma config RSTOSC = EXTOSC     // Reset Oscillator Selection->EXTOSC operating per FEXTOSC bits (device manufacturing default)

#pragma config CLKOUTEN = OFF     // Clock out Enable bit->CLKOUT function is disabled
#pragma config PR1WAY = ON     // PRLOCKED One-Way Set Enable bit->PRLOCKED bit can be cleared and set only once
#pragma config CSWEN = ON     // Clock Switch Enable bit->Writing to NOSC and NDIV is allowed
#pragma config JTAGEN = ON     // JTAG Enable bit->Enable JTAG Boundary Scan mode and pins
#pragma config FCMEN = ON     // Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enable bit->Fail-Safe Clock Monitor enabled
#pragma config FCMENP = ON     // Fail-Safe Clock Monitor -Primary XTAL Enable bit->FSCM timer will set FSCMP bit and OSFIF interrupt on Primary XTAL failure
#pragma config FCMENS = ON     // Fail-Safe Clock Monitor -Secondary XTAL Enable bit->FSCM timer will set FSCMS bit and OSFIF interrupt on Secondary XTAL failure

#pragma config MCLRE = EXTMCLR     // MCLR Enable bit->If LVP = 0, MCLR pin is MCLR; If LVP = 1, RE3 pin function is MCLR 
#pragma config PWRTS = PWRT_OFF     // Power-up timer selection bits->PWRT is disabled
#pragma config MVECEN = ON     // Multi-vector enable bit->Multi-vector enabled, Vector table used for interrupts
#pragma config IVT1WAY = ON     // IVTLOCK bit One-way set enable bit->IVTLOCKED bit can be cleared and set only once
#pragma config LPBOREN = OFF     // Low Power BOR Enable bit->Low-Power BOR disabled
#pragma config BOREN = SBORDIS     // Brown-out Reset Enable bits->Brown-out Reset enabled , SBOREN bit is ignored

#pragma config BORV = VBOR_1P9     // Brown-out Reset Voltage Selection bits->Brown-out Reset Voltage (VBOR) set to 1.9V
#pragma config ZCD = OFF     // ZCD Disable bit->ZCD module is disabled. ZCD can be enabled by setting the ZCDSEN bit of ZCDCON
#pragma config PPS1WAY = ON     // PPSLOCK bit One-Way Set Enable bit->PPSLOCKED bit can be cleared and set only once; PPS registers remain locked after one clear/set cycle
#pragma config STVREN = ON     // Stack Full/Underflow Reset Enable bit->Stack full/underflow will cause Reset
#pragma config LVP = ON     // Low Voltage Programming Enable bit->Low voltage programming enabled. MCLR/VPP pin function is MCLR. MCLRE configuration bit is ignored
#pragma config XINST = OFF     // Extended Instruction Set Enable bit->Extended Instruction Set and Indexed Addressing Mode disabled

#pragma config WDTCPS = WDTCPS_31     // WDT Period selection bits->Divider ratio 1:65536; software control of WDTPS
#pragma config WDTE = ON     // WDT operating mode->WDT enabled regardless of sleep; SWDTEN is ignored

#pragma config WDTCWS = WDTCWS_7     // WDT Window Select bits->window always open (100%); software control; keyed access not required
#pragma config WDTCCS = SC     // WDT input clock selector->Software Control

#pragma config BBSIZE = BBSIZE_512     // Boot Block Size selection bits->Boot Block size is 512 words
#pragma config BBEN = OFF     // Boot Block enable bit->Boot block disabled
#pragma config SAFEN = OFF     // Storage Area Flash enable bit->SAF disabled

#pragma config WRTB = OFF     // Boot Block Write Protection bit->Boot Block not Write protected
#pragma config WRTC = OFF     // Configuration Register Write Protection bit->Configuration registers not Write protected
#pragma config WRTD = OFF     // Data EEPROM Write Protection bit->Data EEPROM not Write protected
#pragma config WRTSAF = OFF     // SAF Write protection bit->SAF not Write Protected
#pragma config WRTAPP = OFF     // Application Block write protection bit->Application Block not write protected

#pragma config BOOTPINSEL = RC5     // CRC on boot output pin selection->CRC on boot output pin is RC5
#pragma config BPEN = OFF     // CRC on boot output pin enable bit->CRC on boot output pin disabled
#pragma config ODCON = OFF     // CRC on boot output pin open drain bit->Pin drives both high-going and low-going signals

#pragma config CP = OFF     // PFM and Data EEPROM Code Protection bit->PFM and Data EEPROM code protection disabled

#pragma config BOOTSCEN = OFF     // CRC on boot scan enable for boot area->CRC on boot will not include the boot area of program memory in its calculation
#pragma config BOOTCOE = HALT     // CRC on boot Continue on Error for boot areas bit->CRC on boot will stop device if error is detected in boot areas
#pragma config APPSCEN = OFF     // CRC on boot application code scan enable->CRC on boot will not include the application area of program memory in its calculation
#pragma config SAFSCEN = OFF     // CRC on boot SAF area scan enable->CRC on boot will not include the SAF area of program memory in its calculation
#pragma config DATASCEN = OFF     // CRC on boot Data EEPROM scan enable->CRC on boot will not include data EEPROM in its calculation
#pragma config CFGSCEN = OFF     // CRC on boot Config fuses scan enable->CRC on boot will not include the configuration fuses in its calculation
#pragma config COE = HALT     // CRC on boot Continue on Error for non-boot areas bit->CRC on boot will stop device if error is detected in non-boot areas
#pragma config BOOTPOR = OFF     // Boot on CRC Enable bit->CRC on boot will not run

#pragma config BCRCPOLT = hFF     // Boot Sector Polynomial for CRC on boot bits 31-24->Bits 31:24 of BCRCPOL are 0xFF

#pragma config BCRCPOLU = hFF     // Boot Sector Polynomial for CRC on boot bits 23-16->Bits 23:16 of BCRCPOL are 0xFF

#pragma config BCRCPOLH = hFF     // Boot Sector Polynomial for CRC on boot bits 15-8->Bits 15:8 of BCRCPOL are 0xFF

#pragma config BCRCPOLL = hFF     // Boot Sector Polynomial for CRC on boot bits 7-0->Bits 7:0 of BCRCPOL are 0xFF

#pragma config BCRCSEEDT = hFF     // Boot Sector Seed for CRC on boot bits 31-24->Bits 31:24 of BCRCSEED are 0xFF

#pragma config BCRCSEEDU = hFF     // Boot Sector Seed for CRC on boot bits 23-16->Bits 23:16 of BCRCSEED are 0xFF

#pragma config BCRCSEEDH = hFF     // Boot Sector Seed for CRC on boot bits 15-8->Bits 15:8 of BCRCSEED are 0xFF

#pragma config BCRCSEEDL = hFF     // Boot Sector Seed for CRC on boot bits 7-0->Bits 7:0 of BCRCSEED are 0xFF

#pragma config BCRCEREST = hFF     // Boot Sector Expected Result for CRC on boot bits 31-24->Bits 31:24 of BCRCERES are 0xFF

#pragma config BCRCERESU = hFF     // Boot Sector Expected Result for CRC on boot bits 23-16->Bits 23:16 of BCRCERES are 0xFF

#pragma config BCRCERESH = hFF     // Boot Sector Expected Result for CRC on boot bits 15-8->Bits 15:8 of BCRCERES are 0xFF

#pragma config BCRCERESL = hFF     // Boot Sector Expected Result for CRC on boot bits 7-0->Bits 7:0 of BCRCERES are 0xFF

#pragma config CRCPOLT = hFF     // Non-Boot Sector Polynomial for CRC on boot bits 31-24->Bits 31:24 of CRCPOL are 0xFF

#pragma config CRCPOLU = hFF     // Non-Boot Sector Polynomial for CRC on boot bits 23-16->Bits 23:16 of CRCPOL are 0xFF

#pragma config CRCPOLH = hFF     // Non-Boot Sector Polynomial for CRC on boot bits 15-8->Bits 15:8 of CRCPOL are 0xFF

#pragma config CRCPOLL = hFF     // Non-Boot Sector Polynomial for CRC on boot bits 7-0->Bits 7:0 of CRCPOL are 0xFF

#pragma config CRCSEEDT = hFF     // Non-Boot Sector Seed for CRC on boot bits 31-24->Bits 31:24 of CRCSEED are 0xFF

#pragma config CRCSEEDU = hFF     // Non-Boot Sector Seed for CRC on boot bits 23-16->Bits 23:16 of CRCSEED are 0xFF

#pragma config CRCSEEDH = hFF     // Non-Boot Sector Seed for CRC on boot bits 15-8->Bits 15:8 of CRCSEED are 0xFF

#pragma config CRCSEEDL = hFF     // Non-Boot Sector Seed for CRC on boot bits 7-0->Bits 7:0 of CRCSEED are 0xFF

#pragma config CRCEREST = hFF     // Non-Boot Sector Expected Result for CRC on boot bits 31-24->Bits 31:24 of CRCERES are 0xFF

#pragma config CRCERESU = hFF     // Non-Boot Sector Expected Result for CRC on boot bits 23-16->Bits 23:16 of CRCERES are 0xFF

#pragma config CRCERESH = hFF     // Non-Boot Sector Expected Result for CRC on boot bits 15-8->Bits 15:8 of CRCERES are 0xFF

#pragma config CRCERESL = hFF     // Non-Boot Sector Expected Result for CRC on boot bits 7-0->Bits 7:0 of CRCERES are 0xFF Module Documentation CONFIGBITS Driver

This file contains the API prototypes and other datatypes for the Configuration Bits driver.

Module description

This file contains the API prototypes and other datatypes for the Configuration Bits driver.

Version: Driver Version 1.0.1 Package Version 1.0.3 System Driver

This is the generated header file for the System driver.

Module description

This is the generated header file for the System driver.

Version: Driver Version 1.0.2 Package Version 1.0.3
  • void SYSTEM_Initialize (void)

    Initializes the system module. This is called only once before calling other APIs.

Function Documentation


void SYSTEM_Initialize (void )

Initializes the system module. This is called only once before calling other APIs.


None. File Documentation source/source-file/config_bits.c File Reference

This file contains the API Implementation for the Device Configuration Bits driver.

Detailed Description

This file contains the API Implementation for the Device Configuration Bits driver.

CONFIGURATION BITS Generated Driver Source File

Version: Driver Version 1.0.1 Package Version 1.0.3 source/source-file/config_bits.h File Reference

#include "../system/clock.h"

Detailed Description

CONFIGURATION BITS Generated Driver Header File source/source-file/system.c File Reference

This file contains the API implementation for the System driver.

#include "../system.h"


  • void SYSTEM_Initialize (void)

    Initializes the system module. This is called only once before calling other APIs.

Detailed Description

This file contains the API implementation for the System driver.

System Driver Source File

Version: Driver Version 1.0.2 Package Version 1.0.3 source/source-file/system.h File Reference

#include <xc.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "../system/config_bits.h"
#include "../system/clock.h"
#include "../system/pins.h"
#include "../system/interrupt.h"


  • void SYSTEM_Initialize (void)

    Initializes the system module. This is called only once before calling other APIs.

Detailed Description

System Driver Header File