5.3.8 14-byte Config Bits Registers with Extended Instruction Set Introduction

The Configuration settings allow the user to select the primary and secondary oscillators, reset sources and memory protection from the several options available on the device. This module also enables users to enable the extended instruction set for supported devices. They are latched in place at the power-up and also after programming of the device. Supported Device Families

PIC18F-K20 PIC18F-K22 PIC18F-K50 PIC18F-K80 PIC18F-K90 Required Header Files:

#include "mcc_generated_files/system/config_bits.h" Module Documentation CONFIGBITS Driver

This is the generated header file for the Configuration bits driver.

Module description

This is the generated header file for the Configuration bits driver.

Version: Driver Version 1.0.0
Note: The below code is an example code only and the value for each config bit setting will vary depending on the setup on the Configuration Bits module.
#pragma config RETEN = ON    // VREG Sleep Enable bit->Enabled
#pragma config INTOSCSEL = HIGH    // LF-INTOSC Low-power Enable bit->LF-INTOSC in High-power mode during Sleep
#pragma config SOSCSEL = HIGH    // SOSC Power Selection and mode Configuration bits->High Power SOSC circuit selected
#pragma config XINST = OFF    // Extended Instruction Set->Disabled

#pragma config FOSC = INTIO2    // Oscillator Selection bits->Internal RC oscillator
#pragma config FCMEN = OFF    // Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enable bit->Disabled
#pragma config IESO = OFF    // Internal/External Oscillator Switchover bit->Disabled
#pragma config PLLCFG = OFF    // 4X PLL Enable->Disabled

#pragma config PWRTEN = OFF    // Power-up Timer Enable bit->Disabled
#pragma config BOREN = SBORDIS    // Brown-out Reset Enable bits->Enabled in hardware, SBOREN disabled
#pragma config BORV = 3    // Brown Out Reset Voltage bits->1.8V
#pragma config BORPWR = ZPBORMV    // BORMV Power level->ZPBORMV instead of BORMV is selected

#pragma config WDTEN = OFF    // Watchdog Timer Enable bits->WDT disabled in hardware; SWDTEN bit disabled
#pragma config WDTPS = 1048576    // Watchdog Timer Postscale Select bits->1:1048576

#pragma config RTCOSC = SOSCREF    // RTCC Clock Select->RTCC uses SOSC
#pragma config EASHFT = ON    // External Address Shift bit->Address Shifting enabled
#pragma config ABW = MM    // Address Bus Width Select bits->8-bit address bus
#pragma config BW = 16    // Data Bus Width->16-bit external bus mode
#pragma config WAIT = OFF    // External Bus Wait->Disabled

#pragma config MCLRE = ON    // MCLR Pin Enable bit->MCLR Enabled, RG5 Disabled
#pragma config CCP2MX = PORTC    // CCP2 MUX bit->RC1
#pragma config MSSPMSK = MSK7    // MSSP address masking->7 Bit address masking mode
#pragma config ECCPMX = PORTE    // ECCP Mux->Enhanced CCP1/3 [P1B/P1C/P3B/P3C] muxed with RE6/RE5/RE4/RE3

#pragma config STVREN = ON    // Stack Full/Underflow Reset Enable bit->Enabled
#pragma config BBSIZ = BB2K    // Boot Block Size Select bit->2K word Boot Block size
#pragma config DEBUG = OFF    // Background Debug->Disabled

#pragma config CP0 = OFF    // Code Protection Block 0->Disabled
#pragma config CP1 = OFF    // Code Protection Block 1->Disabled
#pragma config CP2 = OFF    // Code Protection Block 2->Disabled
#pragma config CP3 = OFF    // Code Protection Block 3->Disabled
#pragma config CP4 = OFF    // Code Protect 10000-13FFF->Disabled
#pragma config CP5 = OFF    // Code Protect 14000-17FFF->Disabled
#pragma config CP6 = OFF    // Code Protect 18000-1BFFF->Disabled
#pragma config CP7 = OFF    // Code Protect 1C000-1FFFF->Disabled

#pragma config CPB = OFF    // Boot Block Code Protection bit->Disabled
#pragma config CPD = OFF    // Data EEPROM Code Protection bit->Disabled

#pragma config WRT0 = OFF    // Write Protection Block 0->Disabled
#pragma config WRT1 = OFF    // Write Protection Block 1->Disabled
#pragma config WRT2 = OFF    // Write Protection Block 2->Disabled
#pragma config WRT3 = OFF    // Write Protection Block 3->Disabled
#pragma config WRT4 = OFF    // Table Write Protect 10000-13FFF->Disabled
#pragma config WRT5 = OFF    // Table Write Protect 14000-17FFF->Disabled
#pragma config WRT6 = OFF    // Table Write Protect 18000-1BFFF->Disabled
#pragma config WRT7 = OFF    // Table Write Protect 1C000-1FFFF->Disabled

#pragma config WRTC = OFF    // Configuration Register Write Protection bit->Disabled
#pragma config WRTB = OFF    // Boot Block Write Protection bit->Disabled
#pragma config WRTD = OFF    // Data EEPROM Write Protection bit->Disabled

#pragma config EBTR0 = OFF    // Table Read Protection Block 0->Disabled
#pragma config EBTR1 = OFF    // Table Read Protection Block 1->Disabled
#pragma config EBTR2 = OFF    // Table Read Protection Block 2->Disabled
#pragma config EBTR3 = OFF    // Table Read Protection Block 3->Disabled
#pragma config EBRT0 = OFF    // Table Read Protect 00800-03FFF->Disabled
#pragma config EBRT1 = OFF    // Table Read Protect 04000-07FFF->Disabled
#pragma config EBRT2 = OFF    // Table Read Protect 08000-0BFFF->Disabled
#pragma config EBRT3 = OFF    // Table Read Protect 0C000-0FFFF->Disabled
#pragma config EBRT4 = OFF    // Table Read Protect 10000-13FFF->Disabled
#pragma config EBRT5 = OFF    // Table Read Protect 14000-17FFF->Disabled
#pragma config EBRT6 = OFF    // Table Read Protect 18000-1BFFF->Disabled
#pragma config EBRT7 = OFF    // Table Read Protect 1C000-1FFFF->Disabled

#pragma config EBTRB = OFF    // Boot Block Table Read Protection bit->OFF
#pragma config EBRTB = OFF    // Table Read Protect Boot->Disabled System Driver

This is the generated header file for the System driver.

Module description

This is the generated header file for the System driver.

Version: Driver Version 1.0.0
  • void SYSTEM_Initialize (void)

    Initializes the system module. This routine is called only once during system initialization, before calling other APIs.

Function Documentation


void SYSTEM_Initialize (void )

Initializes the system module. This routine is called only once during system initialization, before calling other APIs.


None. File Documentation source/config_bits.c File Reference

This is the generated Device Configuration bits file.

Detailed Description

This is the generated Device Configuration bits file.

CONFIGURATION BITS Generated Driver Source File

Version: Driver Version 1.0.0 source/config_bits.h File Reference

#include "../system/clock.h"

Detailed Description

CONFIGURATION BITS Generated Driver Header File source/system.c File Reference

This file contains the API implementation for the System driver.

#include "../system.h"


  • void SYSTEM_Initialize (void)

    Initializes the system module. This routine is called only once during system initialization, before calling other APIs.

Detailed Description

This file contains the API implementation for the System driver.

System Driver Source File

Version: Driver Version 1.0.0 source/system.h File Reference

#include <xc.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "config_bits.h"
#include "../system/clock.h"
#include "../system/pins.h"
#include "../system/interrupt.h"


  • void SYSTEM_Initialize (void)

    Initializes the system module. This routine is called only once during system initialization, before calling other APIs.

Detailed Description

System Driver Header File