1.21.18 Real-Time Clock and Calendar(RTCC)

The RTCC peripheral is useful in applications which requires clock and calendar features.

Using The Library

RTCC Peripheral library provides API's that can be used to perform below functionalities on the RTCC peripheral.

  • Initialize the RTCC

  • Read and write the time and date registers.

  • Set alarm time and date.

  • Enable/Disable the RTCC interrupt.

  • Register a callback.

Library Interface

RTCC peripheral library provides the following interfaces:


Name Description
RTCC_Initialize Initialize the RTCC peripheral
RTCC_TimeSet Sets time and date in the RTCC peripheral
RTCC_TimeGet Gets time and date from the RTCC peripheral
RTCC_AlarmSet Sets the alarm time and date in the RTCC peripheral
RTCC_CallbackRegister Registers the function to be called from interrupt
RTCC_InterruptEnable Enables RTCC peripheral interrupt
RTCC_InterruptDisable Disables RTCC peripheral interrupt

Data types and constants

Name Type Description
RTC_ALARM_MASK Enum Possible options for recurrence of RTCC alarm
RTC_INT_MASK Enum Mask for enabling and disabling the RTCC interrupt
RTC_CALLBACK Typedef Defines the data type and function signature of the Real Time Clock Calendar callback function