1.8.8 Interprocessor Communication (IPC)

Interprocessor Communication module has 32 interrupt sources. Each source has a set of Enable, Disable, Clear, Set, Mask and Status registers. The interrupt sources are ORed and the IPC interrupt output line is connected to the interrupt controller input.

Using the Library

This library is used to configure 32 interrupt sources IRQ0 to IRQ31. Each source can be enabled or disabled using Enable/DisableIRQ function. Also, it is possible to set the interrupt source using SetIRQ function and clear th einterrupt source using ClearIRQ function.

Library Interface

Peripheral library provides the following interfaces:


Table 1-7. 
Name Description
IPCx_Initialize Initializes IPC peripheral as per configurations
IPCx_SetIRQHandler Registers the callback function for interrupt handler
IPCx_EnableIRQ Enables the given inteerupt
IPCx_DisableIRQ Clears the given interrupt
IPCx_SetIRQ Sets the given interrupt number
IPCx_ClearIRQ Clears the given interrupt
IPCx_GetPendingIRQs Reads all the pending interrupts
IPCx_GetEnabledIRQs Reads all the enabled interrupts
IPCx_GetIRQStatus Reads status of all the interrupts

Data types and constants

Name Type Description
IPC_CALLBACK Typedef Defines the function pointer data type and function signature for the IPCx callback function