1.8.7 Flexible Serial Communication Controller (FLEXCOM)

A FLEXCOM can be configured in USART, SPI or TWI mode


This section provides interface to use the FLEXCOM peripheral in USART mode. The FLEXCOM USART PLIB can be configured in blocking, non-blocking or ring buffer mode.

Blocking mode

In blocking mode, the transfer APIs block until the requested data is transferred.

Non-blocking mode

In non-blocking mode the peripheral interrupt is enabled. The transfer API initiates the transfer and returns immediately. The transfer is then completed from the peripheral interrupt. Application can either use a callback to get notified when the transfer is complete or can use the IsBusy API to check the completion status.

Ring buffer mode

In ring buffer mode, the receiver is always enabled, and the received data is saved in the internal receive ring buffer, size of which can be configured using MHC. The application can use the API calls to read the data out from the ring buffer. APIs are provided to query the number of (unread) bytes available in the receive buffer, free space in the receive buffer and size of the receive buffer. Similarly, during transmission, the application data is deep copied into the internal transmit ring buffer, size of which can be configured using MHC. This allows the use of local buffers for data transmission. APIs are provided to query the free space in the transmit buffer, number of bytes pending transmission and the size of the transmit buffer. Additionally, application can enable notifications to get notified when n bytes are available in the receive buffer or when n bytes of free space is available in the transmit buffer. The APIs allow application to set the threshold levels for notification in both receive and transmit buffers. Further, application can also choose to enable persistent notifications, whereby the application is notified until the threshold condition is met.

In all the modes, library provides API to change the baud, parity, data width and the number of stop bits at run time.

Using The Library

Blocking Mode

#define RX_BUFFER_SIZE 10
char message[] = "FLEXCOM Example in blocking mode";
char receiveBuffer[RX_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
USART_ERROR errorStatus;
char rxData = 0;

int main ( void )
    /* Initialize all modules */
    SYS_Initialize ( NULL );

    /* Transmit buffer*/
    FLEXCOM0_USART_Write(message, sizeof(message));
	/* Wait for a character to be received */
	while(FLEXCOM0_USART_ReceiverIsReady() == false);
		/* Read a byte */
		rxData = FLEXCOM0_USART_ReadByte();
	/* Receive buffer */
    if (FLEXCOM0_USART_Read(receiveBuffer, RX_BUFFER_SIZE)) == false)
		/* Read failed, get the error */
		errorStatus FLEXCOM0_USART_ErrorGet();
		/* Handle the error */
		/* Transmit the received buffer*/
		FLEXCOM0_USART_Write(receiveBuffer, RX_BUFFER_SIZE);

    /* Execution should not come here during normal operation */

    return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

Non-blocking Mode

#define RX_BUFFER_SIZE 10

char message[] = "**** Non-blocking Transfer with the interrupt  ****\r\n\
**** Type 10 characters. The received characters are echoed back ****\r\n";

char messageError[] = "**** USART error occurred ****\r\n";

char receiveBuffer[RX_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
char echoBuffer[RX_BUFFER_SIZE+4] = {0};

bool errorStatus = false;
bool writeStatus = false;
bool readStatus = false;

void APP_WriteCallback(uintptr_t context)
    writeStatus = true;

void APP_ReadCallback(uintptr_t context)
        /* ErrorGet clears errors, set error flag to notify console */
        errorStatus = true;
        readStatus = true;

int main ( void )
    /* Initialize all modules */
    SYS_Initialize ( NULL );

    /* Register callback functions and send start message */
    FLEXCOM0_USART_WriteCallbackRegister(APP_WriteCallback, 0);
    FLEXCOM0_USART_ReadCallbackRegister(APP_ReadCallback, 0);
    FLEXCOM0_USART_Write(&message[0], sizeof(message));

    while ( true )
        if(errorStatus == true)
            /* Send error message to console */
            errorStatus = false;
            FLEXCOM0_USART_Write(&messageError[0], sizeof(messageError));
        else if(readStatus == true)
            /* Echo back received buffer and Toggle LED */
            readStatus = false;

            echoBuffer[0] = '\n';
            echoBuffer[1] = '\r';
            memcpy(&echoBuffer[2], receiveBuffer,sizeof(receiveBuffer));
            echoBuffer[RX_BUFFER_SIZE+2] = '\n';
            echoBuffer[RX_BUFFER_SIZE+3] = '\r';

            FLEXCOM0_USART_Write(&echoBuffer[0], sizeof(echoBuffer));
        else if(writeStatus == true)
            /* Submit buffer to read user data */
            writeStatus = false;
            FLEXCOM0_USART_Read(&receiveBuffer[0], sizeof(receiveBuffer));
            /* Repeat the loop */

    /* Execution should not come here during normal operation */

    return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

Ring buffer Mode

uint8_t txBuffer[50];
uint8_t rxBuffer[10];
volatile uint32_t nBytesRead = 0;
volatile bool txThresholdEventReceived = false;
volatile bool rxThresholdEventReceived = false;

void usartReadEventHandler(FLEXCOM_USART_EVENT event, uintptr_t context )
    uint32_t nBytesAvailable = 0;
        /* Receiver should atleast have the thershold number of bytes in the ring buffer */
        nBytesAvailable = FLEXCOM0_USART_ReadCountGet();
        nBytesRead += FLEXCOM0_USART_Read((uint8_t*)&rxBuffer[nBytesRead], nBytesAvailable);                          

void usartWriteEventHandler(FLEXCOM_USART_EVENT event, uintptr_t context )
    txThresholdEventReceived = true;

int main ( void )
    uint32_t nBytes = 0;        
    /* Initialize all modules */
    SYS_Initialize ( NULL );          
    /* Register a callback for write events */
    FLEXCOM0_USART_WriteCallbackRegister(usartWriteEventHandler, (uintptr_t) NULL);
    /* Register a callback for read events */
    FLEXCOM0_USART_ReadCallbackRegister(usartReadEventHandler, (uintptr_t) NULL);              
    /* Print the size of the read buffer on the terminal */
    nBytes = sprintf((char*)txBuffer, "RX Buffer Size = %d\r\n", (int)FLEXCOM0_USART_ReadBufferSizeGet());
    FLEXCOM0_USART_Write((uint8_t*)txBuffer, nBytes);  
    /* Print the size of the write buffer on the terminal */
    nBytes = sprintf((char*)txBuffer, "TX Buffer Size = %d\r\n", (int)FLEXCOM0_USART_WriteBufferSizeGet());
    FLEXCOM0_USART_Write((uint8_t*)txBuffer, nBytes);    
    FLEXCOM0_USART_Write((uint8_t*)"Adding 10 characters to the TX buffer - ", sizeof("Adding 10 characters to the TX buffer - "));    
    /* Wait for all bytes to be transmitted out */
    while (FLEXCOM0_USART_WriteCountGet() != 0);    
    FLEXCOM0_USART_Write((uint8_t*)"0123456789", 10);           
    /* Print the amount of free space available in the TX buffer. This should be 10 bytes less than the configured write buffer size. */
    nBytes = sprintf((char*)txBuffer, "\r\nFree Space in Transmit Buffer = %d\r\n", (int)FLEXCOM0_USART_WriteFreeBufferCountGet());

    FLEXCOM0_USART_Write((uint8_t*)txBuffer, nBytes);    
    /* Let's enable notifications to get notified when the TX buffer is empty */
    /* Enable notifications */
    FLEXCOM0_USART_WriteNotificationEnable(true, false);
    /* Wait for the TX buffer to become empty. Flag "txThresholdEventReceived" is set in the callback. */
    while (txThresholdEventReceived == false);
    txThresholdEventReceived = false;    
    /* Disable TX notifications */
    FLEXCOM0_USART_WriteNotificationEnable(false, false);
    FLEXCOM0_USART_Write((uint8_t*)"Enter 10 characters. The received characters are echoed back. \r\n>", sizeof("Enter 10 characters. The received characters are echoed back. \r\n>"));               
    /* Wait till 10 (or more) characters are received */
    while (FLEXCOM0_USART_ReadCountGet() < 10);
    /* At-least 10 characters are available in the RX buffer. Read out into the application buffer */
    FLEXCOM0_USART_Read((uint8_t*)rxBuffer, 10);  
    /* Echo the received data */
    FLEXCOM0_USART_Write((uint8_t*)rxBuffer, 10);    
    /* Now demonstrating receiver notifications */
    FLEXCOM0_USART_Write((uint8_t*)"\r\n Now turning on RX notifications \r\n>", sizeof("\r\n Now turning on RX notifications \r\n>"));
    /* For demonstration purpose, set a threshold value to receive a callback after every 5 characters are received */
    /* Enable RX event notifications */
    FLEXCOM0_USART_ReadNotificationEnable(true, false);
        /* Wait until at-least 10 characters are entered by the user */
        while (nBytesRead < 10);    
        /* Echo the received data */
        FLEXCOM0_USART_Write((uint8_t*)rxBuffer, nBytesRead);
        FLEXCOM0_USART_Write((uint8_t*)"\r\n>", 3);

        nBytesRead = 0;

    /* Execution should not come here during normal operation */

    return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

SPI Mode

This section provides interface to use the FLEXCOM peripheral in SPI mode. The FLEXCOM SPI PLIB can be configured in master or slave mode.

SPI master mode

In SPI master mode, the PLIB can be configured to run in blocking mode or non-blocking mode. In blocking mode the peripheral interrupt is disabled and the transfer API blocks until the transfer is complete. In non-blocking mode, the peripheral interrupt is enabled. The transfer API initiates the transfer and returns immediately. The transfer is completed from the peripheral interrupt. Application can either use a callback to get notified when the transfer is complete or can use the IsBusy API to check the completion status.

SPI slave mode

SPI slave mode enables peripheral interrupt for data transfers. The PLIB uses internal receive and transmit buffers. The receive buffer is used to hold the data received from the SPI master while the application data to be transmitted out is copied into the transmit buffer. The size of the transmit and receive buffers is configurable in MHC. Application must register a callback with the PLIB to receive event notifications. A callback is given when the chip select is de-asserted by the SPI master. The application must read out the received data in the callback, thereby clearing the PLIB's internal RX buffer.

The PLIB optionally supports busy signalling from SPI slave to SPI master. This option can be enabled to provide an indication to the SPI master on when the SPI slave will be ready to respond. In a typical implementation, to read data from SPI slave, the SPI master asserts the chip select line and then sends a SPI packet informing the slave about the memory address to read from and the number of bytes to read and then de-asserts the chip select line. The SPI master must then wait for the SPI slave to frame the response by waiting on the busy line. Once the SPI slave drives the busy signal to ready state, the SPI master can start reading the actual data by asserting the chip select line and sending dummy writes for the number of bytes to read. Finally, after the intended bytes are read, the chip select must be de-asserted by the SPI master.

If the busy signalling is not enabled, the SPI master must wait for sufficient duration to allow the SPI slave to become ready with the response.

SPI Master in blocking (peripheral interrupt disabled) mode

// Following code demonstrates SPI self loopback with the PLIB configured in blocking mode
uint8_t txData[]  = "SELF LOOPBACK FOR SPI!";
uint8_t rxData[sizeof(txData)];

int main ( void )
    /* Initialize all modules */
    SYS_Initialize ( NULL );
    /* SPI Write Read */
    FLEXCOM0_SPI_WriteRead(&txData[0], sizeof(txData), &rxData[0], sizeof(rxData));

    /* Compare received data with the transmitted data */
    if ((memcmp(txData, rxData, sizeof(txData)) == 0))
        /* Pass: Received data is same as transmitted data */        
        /* Fail: Received data is not same as transmitted data */

    while ( true )

    /* Execution should not come here during normal operation */

    return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

SPI Master in non-blocking (peripheral interrupt enabled) mode

// Following code demonstrates SPI self loopback with the PLIB configured in non-blocking mode

uint8_t txData[]  = "SELF LOOPBACK FOR SPI!";
uint8_t rxData[sizeof(txData)];
volatile bool transferStatus = false;

/* This function will be called by SPI PLIB when transfer is completed */
void APP_SPI_Callback(uintptr_t context )
    transferStatus = true;

int main ( void )
    /* Initialize all modules */
    SYS_Initialize ( NULL );

    /* Register callback function   */
    FLEXCOM0_SPI_CallbackRegister(APP_SPI_Callback, 0);
    /* SPI Write Read */
    FLEXCOM0_SPI_WriteRead(&txData[0], sizeof(txData), &rxData[0], sizeof(rxData));
	while (1)
		/* Perform other tasks here ...*/
		/* Check if transfer has completed */
		if(transferStatus == true)
			/* Compare received data with the transmitted data */
			if(memcmp(txData, rxData, sizeof(txData)) == 0)
				/* Pass: Received data is same as transmitted data */		
				/* Fail: Received data is not same as transmitted data */		

SPI slave mode

This example uses the FLEXCOM SPI peripheral library in slave mode and allows reading and writing data from/to its internal buffer by a SPI master. The SPI master writes data by sending a write command followed by two bytes of memory address followed by the data to be written.

< WR_CMD > < ADDR_MSB > < ADDR_LSB > < DATA0 > ... < DATA n >

The SPI slave asserts the Busy line to indicate to the SPI master that it is busy. Once ready, the SPI slave de-asserts the Busy line. Once the SPI slave is ready, the SPI master reads the data by sending read command followed by two bytes of memory address and the number of bytes to read.


The SPI slave responds by sending the data at the requested memory address.

typedef enum


/* Commands */
#define APP_CMD_WRITE                       0x02
#define APP_CMD_READ                        0x03

#define APP_MEM_BUFFER_SIZE                 512
#define APP_RX_BUFFER_SIZE                  256
#define APP_TX_BUFFER_SIZE                  256

typedef struct
    uint8_t busy        :1;
    uint8_t reserved    :7;

typedef struct
    volatile APP_STATES          state;
    volatile STATUS              status;
    volatile uint8_t             nBytesRead;
    volatile uint8_t             nBytesToWrite;
    volatile uint8_t             nBytesReadRequest;
    volatile uint16_t            memAddr;

APP_DATA appData;

uint8_t APP_MemoryBuffer[APP_MEM_BUFFER_SIZE] =



void delay(uint32_t count)
    uint32_t i;

    // 1 loop roughly provides 1us delay at 32MHz CPU frequency
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)

void SPIEventHandler(uintptr_t context )
        appData.nBytesRead = FLEXCOM0_SPI_Read(APP_RxData, FLEXCOM0_SPI_ReadCountGet());

            case APP_CMD_WRITE:
                if (appData.status.busy == 0)
                    appData.status.busy = 1;
                    appData.memAddr = ((APP_RxData[1] << 8) | (APP_RxData[2]));
                    appData.nBytesToWrite = (appData.nBytesRead - 3);
                    appData.state = APP_STATE_WRITE;

            case APP_CMD_READ:

                appData.memAddr = ((APP_RxData[1] << 8) | (APP_RxData[2]));
                appData.nBytesReadRequest = APP_RxData[3];

                if ((appData.memAddr + appData.nBytesReadRequest) <= APP_TX_BUFFER_SIZE)
                    memcpy(APP_TxData, &APP_MemoryBuffer[appData.memAddr], appData.nBytesReadRequest);
                    FLEXCOM0_SPI_Write(APP_TxData, appData.nBytesReadRequest);

        if (appData.status.busy == 0)
            /* Indicate to SPI Master that slave is ready for data transfer */

int main ( void )
    /* Initialize all modules */
    SYS_Initialize ( NULL );

    appData.state = APP_STATE_INITIALIZE;

        /* Check the application's current state. */
        switch (appData.state)
            case APP_STATE_INITIALIZE:

                FLEXCOM0_SPI_CallbackRegister(SPIEventHandler, (uintptr_t) 0);

                /* Wait for instructions from SPI master */
                appData.state = APP_STATE_IDLE;


            case APP_STATE_WRITE:

                /* Adding delay to simulate busy condition */

                /* Copy received data into Application memory buffer */
                if ((appData.memAddr + appData.nBytesToWrite) <= APP_MEM_BUFFER_SIZE)
                    memcpy(&APP_MemoryBuffer[appData.memAddr], &APP_RxData[3], appData.nBytesToWrite);

                appData.status.busy = 0;

                appData.state = APP_STATE_IDLE;

                /* Indicate to SPI Master that slave is ready for data transfer */


            case APP_STATE_IDLE:


TWI Mode

This section provides interface to use the FLEXCOM peripheral in TWI mode. The FLEXCOM TWI PLIB can be configured in master or slave mode.

TWI master mode

The FLEXCOM TWI peripheral library supports the following TWI transfers:

Master Write: The master writes a block of data to the slave Master Read: The master reads a block of data from the slave Master Write/Read: The master writes and then reads back a block of data from slave.

The block of data is transferred in a non-blocking manner using a peripheral interrupt. Application can either use a callback or IsBusy API to check for completion of data transfer.

TWI slave mode

TWI slave PLIB can be configured with peripheral interrupt enabled or disabled. When peripheral interrupt is enabled, application must register a callback, to get notified of the TWI events such as address match, transmitter ready, receiver ready etc. When peripheral interrupt is disabled, PLIB provides APIs to read the interrupt status flags. Application can call this API to determine the TWI event and then use the ReadByte/WriteByte APIs to read/write over the TWI bus.

TWI Master mode

// Following code demonstrates TWI write operation using polling method

#define APP_SLAVE_ADDR 0x0057
#define NUM_BYTES      10

uint8_t myWriteData [NUM_BYTES] = {'1', '0', ' ', 'B', 'Y', 'T', 'E', 'S', '!', '!',};

int main(void)
	/* Initialize all modules */
    SYS_Initialize ( NULL );
    /* Write data to the I2C Slave */
    FLEXCOM0_TWI_Write(APP_SLAVE_ADDR, &myWriteData[0], NUM_BYTES);

    /* Poll and wait for the transfer to complete */

    /* Check if any error occurred */
        //Transfer is completed successfully
        //Error occurred during transfer.
// Following code demonstrates TWI write operation using callback method

#define APP_SLAVE_ADDR 0x0057
#define NUM_BYTES      10

uint8_t myWriteData [NUM_BYTES] = {'1', '0', ' ', 'B', 'Y', 'T', 'E', 'S', '!', '!',};

void FLEXCOM0_TWI_Callback(uintptr_t context)
        //Transfer is completed successfully
        //Error occurred during transfer.

int main(void)
	/* Initialize all modules */
    SYS_Initialize ( NULL );
    /* Register Callback function */
    FLEXCOM0_TWI_CallbackRegister(FLEXCOM0_TWI_Callback, (uintptr_t)NULL);

    /* Submit Write Request */
    FLEXCOM0_TWI_Write(APP_SLAVE_ADDR, &myWriteData[0], NUM_BYTES);

TWI Slave mode

This example uses the TWI peripheral library in slave mode and emulates an EEPROM of 512 bytes. There are two pages each of size 256 bytes. TWI slave expects two bytes of memory address from the TWI master and the memory address can range from 0x00 to 0x1FF.

#define EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE_BYTES                  256
#define EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE_MASK                   0xFF
#define EEPROM_SIZE_BYTES                       512

typedef enum

typedef struct
    /* currentAddrPtr - to allow for sequential read (from the current address) */
    uint16_t                    currentAddrPtr;
    /* addrIndex - used to copy 2 bytes of EEPROM memory address */
    uint8_t                     addrIndex;
    /* wrBuffer - holds the incoming data from the TWI master */
    uint8_t                     wrBuffer[EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE_BYTES];
    /* wrBufferIndex - Index into the wrBuffer[] */
    uint16_t                    wrBufferIndex;
    /* wrAddr - indicates the starting address of the EEPROM emulation memory to write to */
    volatile uint16_t           wrAddr;
    /* nWrBytes - indicates the number of bytes to write to EEPROM emulation buffer */
    volatile uint8_t            nWrBytes;
    /* internalWriteInProgress - indicates that EEPROM is busy with internal writes */
    bool                        internalWriteInProgress;
    /* eepromCommand - used to trigger write to the EEPROM emulation buffer */
    EEPROM_CMD                  eepromCommand;

EEPROM_DATA         eepromData;

uint8_t EEPROM_EmulationBuffer[EEPROM_SIZE_BYTES] =


bool APP_FLEXCOM_TWI_Callback ( FLEXCOM_TWI_SLAVE_TRANSFER_EVENT event, uintptr_t contextHandle )
    bool isSuccess = true;

            if ((FLEXCOM0_TWI_TransferDirGet() == FLEXCOM_TWI_SLAVE_TRANSFER_DIR_WRITE) && (eepromData.internalWriteInProgress == true))
                /* EEPROM is busy. Send NAK */
                isSuccess = false;
                /* Reset the indexes */
                eepromData.addrIndex = 0;
                eepromData.wrBufferIndex = 0;

            /* Read the data sent by TWI Master */
            if (eepromData.addrIndex < 2)
                ((uint8_t*)&eepromData.currentAddrPtr)[eepromData.addrIndex++] = FLEXCOM0_TWI_ReadByte();
                eepromData.wrBuffer[(eepromData.wrBufferIndex & EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE_MASK)] = FLEXCOM0_TWI_ReadByte();

            /* Provide the EEPROM data requested by the TWI Master */
            if (eepromData.currentAddrPtr >= EEPROM_SIZE_BYTES)
                eepromData.currentAddrPtr = 0;

            if (eepromData.wrBufferIndex > 0)
                if (eepromData.wrBufferIndex > EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE_BYTES)
                    eepromData.wrBufferIndex = EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE_BYTES;
                eepromData.wrAddr = eepromData.currentAddrPtr;
                eepromData.nWrBytes = eepromData.wrBufferIndex;

                /* Update the current address pointer to allow for sequential read */
                eepromData.currentAddrPtr += eepromData.wrBufferIndex;

                /* Reset the indexes */
                eepromData.addrIndex = 0;
                eepromData.wrBufferIndex = 0;

                /* Set busy flag to send NAK for any write requests */
                eepromData.internalWriteInProgress = true;
                eepromData.eepromCommand = EEPROM_CMD_WRITE;

    return isSuccess;

void EEPROM_StateMachine(void)
        case EEPROM_CMD_WRITE:
            memcpy(&EEPROM_EmulationBuffer[eepromData.wrAddr], &eepromData.wrBuffer[0], eepromData.nWrBytes);
            eepromData.internalWriteInProgress = false;
            eepromData.eepromCommand = EEPROM_CMD_IDLE;
        case EEPROM_CMD_IDLE:
            /* Do Nothing */

int main ( void )
    /* Initialize all modules */
    SYS_Initialize ( NULL );

    eepromData.eepromCommand = EEPROM_CMD_IDLE;

    FLEXCOM0_TWI_CallbackRegister(APP_FLEXCOM_TWI_Callback, 0);

    while ( true )

    /* Execution should not come here during normal operation */

    return ( EXIT_FAILURE );

Library Interface

FLEXCOM peripheral library provides the following interfaces:



Name Description Blocking mode Non-blocking mode Ring buffer mode
FLEXCOMx_USART_Initialize Initializes given instance of the USART peripheral Yes Yes Yes
FLEXCOMx_USART_SerialSetup Sets up serial configurations for USART peripheral Yes Yes Yes
FLEXCOMx_USART_Write Writes data to the given USART peripheral instance Yes Yes Yes
FLEXCOMx_USART_Read Reads data from the given USART peripheral instance Yes Yes Yes
FLEXCOMx_USART_WriteIsBusy Returns the write request status associated with the given USART peripheral instance No Yes No
FLEXCOMx_USART_ReadIsBusy Returns the read request status associated with the given USART peripheral instance No Yes No
FLEXCOMx_USART_WriteCountGet Gets the byte count of processed bytes for a given USART read operation in non-blocking mode. Returns the number of bytes pending to be transmitted out in the transmit buffer in ring buffer mode. No Yes Yes
FLEXCOMx_USART_ReadCountGet Gets the byte count of processed bytes for a given USART read operation in non-blocking mode. Returns the number of bytes available in the internal receive buffer of the PLIB in ring buffer mode. No Yes Yes
FLEXCOMx_USART_TransmitterIsReady Returns the hardware status of the USART Transmitter Yes No No
FLEXCOMx_USART_ReceiverIsReady Returns the hardware status of the USART Receiver Yes No No
FLEXCOMx_USART_ErrorGet Gets the error of the given USART peripheral instance Yes Yes Yes
FLEXCOMx_USART_WriteCallbackRegister Sets the pointer to the function (and it's context) to be called when the given USART's write events occur No Yes Yes
FLEXCOMx_USART_ReadCallbackRegister Sets the pointer to the function (and it's context) to be called when the given USART's read events occur No Yes Yes
FLEXCOMx_USART_ReadByte Submits request to read a byte of data to the given USART peripheral Yes No No
FLEXCOMx_USART_WriteByte Submits a byte of data to the given USART peripheral to transfer Yes No No
FLEXCOMx_USART_FrequencyGet Provides the given FLEXCOM peripheral frequency Yes Yes Yes
FLEXCOMx_USART_ReadAbort Aborts the ongoing read request No Yes No
FLEXCOMx_USART_WriteFreeBufferCountGet Returns the number of bytes of free space available in the internal transmit buffer No No Yes
FLEXCOMx_USART_WriteBufferSizeGet Returns the size of the internal transmit ring buffer No No Yes
FLEXCOMx_USART_WriteNotificationEnable This API lets the application turn the transmit notifications on/off No No Yes
FLEXCOMx_USART_WriteThresholdSet This API allows the application to set a threshold level on the number of free space available in the transmit buffer No No Yes
FLEXCOMx_USART_ReadFreeBufferCountGet Returns the number of bytes of free space available in the internal receive buffer No No Yes
FLEXCOMx_USART_ReadBufferSizeGet Returns the size of the receive ring buffer No No Yes
FLEXCOMx_USART_ReadNotificationEnable This API lets the application turn the receive notifications on/off No No Yes
FLEXCOMx_USART_ReadThresholdSet This API allows the application to set a threshold level on the number of bytes of data available in the receive buffer No No Yes
FLEXCOMx_USART_IrDA_DirectionSet Sets the data transfer direction in IRDA mode Yes Yes No

Data types and constants

Name Type Description Blocking mode Non-blocking mode Ring buffer mode
FLEXCOM_USART_ERROR Macros and Typedef Defines the macros and typedefs associated with the USART peripheral errors Yes Yes Yes
FLEXCOM_USART_DATA Enum Defines the data width types for the USART peripheral Yes Yes Yes
FLEXCOM_USART_PARITY Enum Defines the parity types for the USART peripheral Yes Yes Yes
FLEXCOM_USART_STOP Enum Defines the data type for the USART peripheral stop bits Yes Yes Yes
FLEXCOM_USART_SERIAL_SETUP Struct Defines the data structure which is used to configure USART serial parameters at run time Yes Yes Yes
FLEXCOM_USART_CALLBACK Typedef Defines the data type and function signature of the USART peripheral library callback function Yes Yes No
FLEXCOM_USART_EVENT Enum Defines the enums associated with the USART events in the ring buffer mode Yes Yes Yes
FLEXCOM_USART_RING_BUFFER_CALLBACK Typedef Defines the data type and function signature for the FLEXCOM_USART peripheral callback function in the ring buffer mode No No Yes
FLEXCOM_IRDA_DIR Enum Defines the data type for IRDA direction Yes Yes No

SPI Mode


Name Description Master (blocking/interrupt disabled) mode Master (non-blocking/interrupt enabled) mode Slave mode
FLEXCOMx_SPI_Initialize Initializes instance x of the FLEXCOM module operating in SPI master or slave mode Yes Yes Yes
FLEXCOMx_SPI_TransferSetup Configure FLEXCOM SPI operational parameters at run time Yes Yes No
FLEXCOMx_SPI_WriteRead Write and Read data on FLEXCOM SPI peripheral Yes Yes No
FLEXCOMx_SPI_Write Writes data to FLEXCOM x SPI peripheral Yes Yes Yes
FLEXCOMx_SPI_Read Reads data on the FLEXCOM SPI peripheral in SPI master mode. Reads data from the PLIB's internal buffer to the application buffer in SPI slave mode Yes Yes Yes
FLEXCOMx_SPI_CallbackRegister Allows application to register a callback with the PLIB No Yes Yes
FLEXCOMx_SPI_IsBusy Returns transfer status of FLEXCOM SPI No Yes Yes
FLEXCOMx_SPI_ReadCountGet Returns the number of bytes pending to be read out from the PLIB's internal buffer No No Yes
FLEXCOMx_SPI_ReadBufferSizeGet Returns the size of the PLIB's internal receive buffer No No Yes
FLEXCOMx_SPI_WriteBufferSizeGet Returns the size of the PLIB's internal transmit buffer No No Yes
FLEXCOMx_SPI_ErrorGet Returns the error status of SPI transfer No No Yes
FLEXCOMx_SPI_Ready Drives the SPI slave busy line to ready (not busy) state No No Yes

Data types and constants

Name Description Master (blocking/interrupt disabled) mode Master (non-blocking/interrupt enabled) mode Slave mode
FLEXCOM_SPI_CLOCK_PHASE Enum Identifies SPI Clock Phase Options Yes Yes
FLEXCOM_SPI_CLOCK_POLARITY Enum Identifies SPI Clock Polarity Options Yes Yes
FLEXCOM_SPI_DATA_BITS Enum Identifies SPI bits per transfer Yes Yes
FLEXCOM_SPI_CHIP_SELECT Enum Enumerator constants for SPI hardware chip select Yes Yes
FLEXCOM_SPI_TRANSFER_SETUP Struct Data structure containing the SPI parameters which can be changed at run time Yes Yes
FLEXCOM_SPI_CALLBACK Typedef Defines the data type and function signature for the FLEXCOM SPI peripheral callback function No Yes
FLEXCOM_SPI_SLAVE_ERROR Macros and Typedef Defines the macros and typedef associated with SPI slave mode errors No No
FLEXCOM_SPI_SLAVE_CALLBACK Typedef Pointer to a SPI Call back function when SPI is configued in slave mode No No

TWI Mode


Name Description Master mode Slave mode (interrupt disabled) Slave mode (interrupt enabled)
FLEXCOMx_TWI_Initialize Initializes the instance of the FLEXCOM peripheral in either master or slave mode Yes Yes Yes
FLEXCOMx_TWI_Read Reads data from the slave Yes No No
FLEXCOMx_TWI_Write Writes data to the slave Yes No No
FLEXCOMx_TWI_WriteRead Write and Read data from Slave Yes No No
FLEXCOMx_TWI_IsBusy Returns the Peripheral busy status Yes No Yes
FLEXCOMx_TWI_ErrorGet Returns the TWI error that occurred on the bus Yes Yes Yes
FLEXCOMx_TWI_TransferSetup Dynamic setup of TWI Peripheral Yes No No
FLEXCOMx_TWI_CallbackRegister Sets the pointer to the function (and it's context) to be called when the given FLEXCOM TWI's transfer events occur Yes No Yes
FLEXCOMx_TWI_StatusGet Returns the TWI hardware status flags No Yes No
FLEXCOMx_TWI_ReadByte Read the received TWI byte No Yes Yes
FLEXCOMx_TWI_WriteByte Write a data byte to TWI master No Yes Yes
FLEXCOMx_TWI_TransferDirGet Returns the TWI transfer direction No Yes Yes
FLEXCOMx_TWI_LastByteAckStatusGet Returns the ACK status of the last byte written to the TWI master No Yes Yes
FLEXCOMx_TWI_NACKDataPhase Configures the hardware to send ACK or NAK for the next byte that will be received from the TWI master No Yes Yes

Data types and constants

Name Type Description Master mode Slave mode (interrupt disabled) Slave mode (interrupt enabled)
FLEXCOM_TWI_ERROR Enum Defines the possible errors that the FLEXCOM TWI peripheral can generate in TWI master mode Yes No No
FLEXCOM_TWI_TRANSFER_SETUP Struct TWI transfer setup data structure Yes No No
FLEXCOM_TWI_CALLBACK Typedef Defines the data type and function signature for the FLEXCOM TWI peripheral callback function in TWI master mode Yes No No
FLEXCOM_TWI_SLAVE_TRANSFER_DIR Enum Defines the enum for TWI data transfer direction No Yes Yes
FLEXCOM_TWI_SLAVE_ACK_STATUS Enum Defines the enum for the TWI acknowledgement No Yes Yes
FLEXCOM_TWI_SLAVE_STATUS_FLAG Enum Defines the list of possible TWI slave events No Yes No
FLEXCOM_TWI_SLAVE_TRANSFER_EVENT Enum Defines the enum for the TWI slave transfer event No No Yes
FLEXCOM_TWI_SLAVE_CALLBACK Typedef Defines the data type and function signature for the FLEXCOM TWI Slave callback function No No Yes