4.1 MPLAB X IDE and Tools Installation

In order to use the 32-bit language tools with MPLAB X IDE, you must install:

  • MPLAB X IDE, which is available for free on the Microchip website.
  • MPLAB XC32 C/C++ Compiler, which includes all of the 32-bit language tools. The compiler is available for free (Free and Evaluation editions) or for purchase (Pro edition) on the Microchip website.
Attention: This version of the C compiler requires MPLAB X IDE v5.05 or higher.

The 32-bit language tools will be installed, by default, in the directory:

  • Windows OS - C:\Program Files\Microchip\xc32\x.xx
  • Mac OS - /Applications/microchip/xc32/x.xx
  • Linux OS - /opt/microchip/xc32/x.xx

where x.xx is the version number.

The executables for each tool will be in the bin subdirectory:

  • C Compiler - xc32-gcc.exe
  • Assembler - xc32-as.exe
  • Object Linker - xc32-ld.exe
  • Object Archiver/Librarian - xc32-ar.exe
  • Other Utilities - xc32-utility.exe

All device include (header) files are located in the /pic32mx/include/proc subdirectory. These files are automatically incorporated when you #include the <xc.h> header file.

Code examples are located in the examples directory.