3.5.10 How Do I Know What Code the Compiler Is Producing?

The assembly list file may be set up, using assembler listing file options, to contain a great deal of information about the code, such as the assembly output for almost the entire program, including library routines linked in to your program; section information; symbol listings and more.

The list file may be produced as follows:

  • On the command line, create a basic list file using the option:

    -Wa, -a=projectname.lst

  • For MPLAB X IDE, right click on your project and select “Properties.” In the Project Properties window, click on “xc32-as” under “Categories.” From “Option categories,” select “Listing file options” and ensure “List to file” is checked.

By default, the assembly list file will have a .lst extension.

For information on the list file, see the “MPLAB® XC32 Assembler, Linker and Utilities User’s Guide” (DS50002186).