2.6 Power Specifications

The Xplained Pro kit can be powered either by USB or by an external power source through the 4-pin power header, marked PWR. The available power sources and specifications are listed in the table below.
Table 2-11. Power Sources for Xplained Pro
Power inputVoltage requirementsCurrent requirementsConnector marking
External power

5V ±2% (±100mV) for USB host operation.

4.3V to 5.5V if USB host operation is not required

Recommended minimum is 1A to be able to provide enough current for connected USB devices and the board itself. Recommended maximum is 2A due to the input protection maximum current specification.

Embedded debugger USB4.4V to 5.25V (according to USB spec.) 500mA (according to USB spec.) DEBUG USB
Target USB4.4V to 5.25V (according to USB spec.) 500mA (according to USB spec.) TARGET USB
The kit will automatically detect which power sources are available and choose which one to use according to the following priority:
  1. External power.

  2. Embedded debugger USB.

  3. Target USB.


External power is required when the 500mA through the USB connector is not enough to power a connected USB device in a USB host application.

Xplained Pro MCU kits are generally powered by 5.0V input that is regulated to a 3.3V power supply for the EDBG, MCU, and extension headers/connectors.

Some Xplained Pro MCU kits implements a separate 3.3V regulator for the EDBG.

Some Xplained Pro MCU kits have support for 5.0V for the target MCU, and extension headers/connector. These kits implements full level shift between the EDBG and target MCU.

Figure 2-8. Typical Xplained Pro Power Connections