58.3 Recommended Operating Conditions

Table 58-3. Recommended Operating Conditions on Power Supply Inputs
Power Input Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit
VDDCORE Core logic power supply (including CPU, memories and peripherals) fCPU ≤ 420 MHz, fMCK ≤ 140 MHz

fCPU ≤ 600 MHz, fMCK ≤ 200 MHz





VDDIOM SDRAM I/O lines power supply SDR-SDRAM 3.00 3.60 V
VDDNF NAND Flash I/O lines power supply 1.70 3.60 V
VDDQSPI VDDQSPI I/O lines power supply 1.70 3.60 V
VDDANA(1) VDDANA I/O lines, A/D converter, OTP memory power supply 3.00 3.60 V
VDDIN33(1) 2.5V regulator power input, USB interface I/O lines power supply 3.00 3.60 V
VDDIOP0 VDDIOP0 I/O lines power supply 1.70 3.60 V
VDDIOP1 VDDIOP1 I/O lines power supply 1.70 3.60 V
VDDBU Backup domain power supply 1.60 3.60 V
tR_VDD Power supply slope at power-up Applies to any of the power supply inputs listed above 0.2 20 mV/µs
tF_VDD Power supply slope at power-down Applies to any of the power supply inputs listed above -20 -1 mV/µs
  1. VDDANA and VDDIN33 are powered from one single power source so that:

    V(VDDANA,VDDIN33) ≤ ±50mV.

Table 58-4. Recommended Operating Conditions on Input Pins (see Note 1)
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit
VIN Input line voltage range on inputs(2)(3) -0.3V VDD + 0.3V V
IIN DC current injection on inputs(4) ±0.2 mA
ITOT_INJ Total current injection per power rail or per ground rail(5) ±2 mA
  1. In this table, VDD refers to the voltage of the associated power rail of the I/O line, as defined in the Pin Description table. For example, for PA2, VDD refers to VDDIOP0.
  2. Input voltages VIN ≤ 0V or VIN ≥ VDD lead to negative or positive current injection on inputs.
  3. For analog inputs [PB17:PB6], input voltages VIN ≥ min(VDDANA, VADVREFP) lead to saturated A/D conversion to 0xFFF.
  4. Current injection on A/D converter analog inputs [PB17:PB6] may degrade the analog performance of the corresponding channel or the analog performance of other analog channels.
  5. Corresponds to the sum of the positive currents into one power rail and respectively to the sum of the negative currents into one ground rail as defined in the Pin Description table.

Table 58-5. Recommended Thermal Operating Conditions
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit
TA Ambient temperature range -40 105 °C
TJ Junction temperature range -40 125 °C
RJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance BGA228 40 °C/W
PD Allowable power dissipation BGA228 TA = 70°C 1.3 W
TA = 85°C 1.0 W
TA = 105°C 0.5 W

Table 58-6. Recommended Operating Conditions on Internal Clocks
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit
fCPU_CLK Processor clock (CPU_CLK) frequency VDDCORE ≥ 1.12V 600 MHz
VDDCORE ≥ 1.02V 420 MHz
fMCK Main system bus clock (MCK) frequency VDDCORE ≥ 1.12V 200 MHz
VDDCORE ≥ 1.02V 140 MHz

Table 58-7. Recommended Operating Conditions on SDRAM Interface
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit
fSDRAM_CLK SDRAM clock frequency VDDCORE ≥ 1.12V
16-bit SDR-SDRAM 200 MHz
16-bit LPSDR-SDRAM 166 MHz
16-bit DDR2-SDRAM 125 200 MHz
16-bit LPDDR-SDRAM 200 MHz
32-bit SDR-SDRAM 180 MHz
32-bit LPSDR-SDRAM 158 MHz
16-bit SDR-SDRAM 140 MHz
16-bit LPSDR-SDRAM 140 MHz
16-bit DDR2-SDRAM 125 140 MHz
16-bit LPDDR-SDRAM 140 MHz