10.3.1 Sleep Mode Operation

When a clock source is not used or requested, it will stop. It is possible to request a clock source directly by writing a ‘1’ to the Run Standby (RUNSTDBY) bit in the respective oscillator’s Control A (CLKCTRL.[osc]CTRLA) register. This will cause the oscillator to run constantly, except for Power-Down sleep mode. Additionally, when this bit is written to ‘1’, the oscillator start-up time is eliminated when the clock source is requested by a peripheral.

The main clock will always run in Active and Idle sleep modes. In Standby sleep mode, the main clock will run only if any peripheral is requesting it, or the Run in Standby (RUNSTDBY) bit in the respective oscillator’s Control A (CLKCTRL.[osc]CTRLA) register is written to ‘1’.

In Power-Down sleep mode, the main clock will stop after all NVM operations are completed. Refer to the Sleep Controller section for more details on sleep mode operation.