1.3.1 Hardware Test Setup

For this setup the PIC24F Curiosity Board will be used with the UART as the application download peripheral. Add a UART and assign it to UART1.

As a way to force the bootloader to enter the bootloader mode even if the application is valid, switch S1 is connected to pin RC9 and will be used as the Force Bootloader Entry Pin, named RUN_BL_SW. If pressed while reset is released, it will cause the bootloader to run at startup. As a simple feedback mechanism, a timing loop in the bootloader will blink LED1(RA9) at a slow rate. To test the application interrupts, a Timer1 interrupt will generate a 250ms interrupt when in the application mode. The ISR for this timer will toggle LED1 connected to pin RA9. The difference in blink rates will help to identify to the user what mode is running.