1.1 I2C Terminology

To properly understand the language used in the Specification, Table 1-1 shows a list of commonly used terms found throughout the Specification.

Table 1-1. I2C Bus Terminology
TransmitterThe device that shifts data out onto the bus.
ReceiverThe device that shifts data in from the bus.
MasterThe device that generates the clock signal (SCL), initiates data transfer and terminates transmission.
SlaveThe device addressed by the master.
Multi-MasterA bus that contains at least two master devices, both of which can initiate communications.
Arbitration A procedure that ensures that only one master device at a time can control the bus.
SynchronizationA procedure that synchronizes the clock signals of two or more devices on the bus.
IdleBoth SDA and SCL signals are at a logic high state and there is no activity on the bus.
ActiveThe state of the bus during which communication takes place.
Write RequestA master device transmits a slave address with the R/W bit clear with the intention of transmitting data to a slave.
Read RequestA master device transmits a slave address with the R/W bit set with the intention of receiving data from a slave.
Clock Stretching Occurs when a device pulls the SCL line low to effectively pause communications.
Bus CollisionThe condition in which the expected SDA logic level is high, but is actually sampled as a logic low.
Bus TimeoutThe condition in which a device is holding the bus for longer than a specified period.