1.2 Host Driver Configuration

Common Configuration

Common configuration details for the Touch Host Interface is as follows

Select Turnkey deviceSelect the appropriate turnkey device from the available list of devices

The device-specific configurations for the Touch Host Interface will be detailed in the following section

MTCH2120 specific configuration

The configuration details for the MTCH2120 Touch Host Interface are as follows

Enable INT PinActivating this feature enables continuous monitoring of the configured INTERRUPT Pin for its active low state. If the GPIO pin is pulled low by the client (MTCH2120), the host will then read the device's status
INTERRUPT Pin NameThe INTERRUPT Pin must be configured in the Pin Manager. The name specified here should match the configured GPIO pin
Enable Tuning optionThe Data Visualizer facilitates the transmission of touch sensor debug information via the UART interface to the Data Visualizer software tool. This feature should be activated during the initial sensor tuning phase and can be deactivated subsequently to free up USART usage and conserve code memory

AT42QT1110 specific configuration

The configuration details for the AT42QT1110 Touch Host Interface are as follows

CHANGE Pin NameThe CHANGE Pin must be configured in the Pin Manager. The name specified here should match the configured GPIO pin
Enable Tuning optionThe Data Visualizer facilitates the transmission of touch sensor debug information via the UART interface to the Data Visualizer software tool. This feature should be activated during the initial sensor tuning phase and can be deactivated subsequently to free up USART usage and conserve code memory

AT42QT2120 specific configuration

The configuration details for the AT42QT2120 Touch Host Interface are as follows

CHANGE Pin NameThe CHANGE Pin must be configured in the Pin Manager. The name specified here should match the configured GPIO pin
Enable Tuning optionThe Data Visualizer facilitates the transmission of touch sensor debug information via the UART interface to the Data Visualizer software tool. This feature should be activated during the initial sensor tuning phase and can be deactivated subsequently to free up USART usage and conserve code memory