4.4.2 OTP Zone Addressing

The OTP zone can be accessed either 4 or 32 bytes at a time. The zone has a total of 64 bytes. Individual bytes cannot be accessed. The OTP zone address is a 2-byte (16-bit value). Only the lowest four bits are used in addressing.

For the ATECC608B-TNGTLS device, these addresses can only be used with the read command.

Table 4-6. Address Format
Byte 1: Addr[15:8] Byte 0: Addr[7:0]
Unused Unused Block Offset
Addr[15:8] Addr[7:4] Addr[3] Addr[2:0]
Table 4-7. OTP Zone Byte Addresses

Block #

Block Offset Value (Addr[2:0])
000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
0 [0:3] [4:7] [8:11] [12:15] [16:19] [20:23] [24:27] [28:31]
1 [32:35] [36:39] [40:43] [44:47] [48:51] [52:55] [56:59] [60:63]