2.1 ATECC608B-TNGTLS Configuration Zone

The ATECC608B-TNGTLS configuration is fixed and cannot be modified by the customer. Relevant information about how the device is configured is shown below or in the slot information.

Device Configuration Information

  • The serial number for each device is unique and stored in bytes [0:3, 8:12]. Bytes [0:1] are 0x01 0x23 and byte [8] is 0x01. All other bytes are unique.
  • The default 7-bit I2C address is 0x35. The I2C address can be overwritten using the UpdateExtra command.
    Important: The default I2C address of the ECC608-TNGTLS differs from that of the standard ATECC608 Device.
  • The I/O levels are set to a fixed reference level; therefore, the host processor can operate at a lower voltage than the ATECC608B-TNGTLS device.
  • The Watchdog Timer (WDT) is set to a maximum time-out of 1.3s.
  • The use of an I/O protection key is enabled with the key stored in Slot 6.
  • For the ATECC608B-TNGTLS, the following individual slots may be locked: Slots 2-4, 6 and slot 8.
  • Monotonic counters are available for use by the system and are not attached to any keys.
  • The Health Test Failure bit is cleared after any time that a command fails as a result of a health test failure. If the failure symptom is transient, the command may pass when run a second time.