5 MCC Melody Components

The Libraries, Drivers and Hardware peripherals, which make up MCC Melody, are collectively referred to as components. Also what is Configuration- vs. Firmware portability.

The Libraries, Drivers and Hardware peripherals, which make up MCC Melody, are collectively referred to as components. Libraries and Drivers are not directly dependent on any microcontroller (MCU) hardware, relying on PLIBs (Peripheral Libraries), which provide the hardware abstraction. The following figure shows MCC Melody's structure.

Figure 5-1. MCC Melody Block Diagram

The MCC melody components show in Device- and Project-Resources as follows. Icons indicate the degree of separation from the microcontroller hardware, presented as the black layer at the bottom. The more layers, the more independent the component is from the microcontroller’s hardware.

Hardware independence facilitates portability in the following ways:

  • Configuration portability: A use-case-focused configuration interface gives the ability to select/easily change a component's underlying hardware dependency.
  • Firmware portability: Writing application code using portable interface API ensures that it's easy to change a peripheral instance the code runs on.
Table 5-1. MCC Melody Component Types
Component CategoryExampleDescription
Libraries provide one of the following:
  • Stack/middleware functionality, such as protocol support e.g., USB, TCP\IP, Data Streamer (Protocol).
  • Off-chip device drivers (off-mcu) drivers, e.g., EEPROM / Temperature
Drivers support both Configuration and Firmware portability, providing an easy-to-read and efficient abstraction to the functionality of the peripheral, e.g., UART, I2C Host, I2C Client, etc.
Peripheral Library (PLIB)
Peripheral Libraries (PLIB) may provide firmware portability, but in general, only a non-portable interface to peripheral functionality
Hardware Peripherals
Hardware Peripherals (Initializers) provide non-portable direct access to peripherals and their registers. As the name suggests, only an initialization function is generated.
Note: System Drivers provide core-level functionality, like Clock, Interrupt and Pins. Can provide a portable interface or be device-dependent, i.e., can be either

5.1 Libraries

Implement complex "Middleware" functionality, such as protocols, providing a highly abstracted portable application program interface.


Libraries can be selected from Device Resources to be made available in Project Resources.

The Easy View for Libraries relates to software configuration settings, i.e., will not have anything to do with registers for hardware peripheral or off-chip components. For example, the Data Streamer Library implements the Data Stream Protocol needed to plot multiple variables on the MPLAB Data Visualizer. Its configuration is a list of variables and their respective types.

Figure . Data Streamer Protocol Library Showing Application Variables to be Plotted on the MPLAB Data Visualizer

Generated Firmware

Libraries provide a portable interface that can be ported to multiple MCU devices.

5.2 Drivers

Drivers support both Configuration and Firmware portability, providing an easy-to-read and efficient abstraction to the functionality of the peripheral, e.g., ADC, UART, Timer, etc. It also includes off-chip drivers, e.g., SPI-based ADC.


Drivers can be selected from Available or Device Resources and be made available in Project Resources.

The Drivers provide an abstracted configuration interface. In the Timer Driver example below, one chooses the Timer hardware instance to run the Timeout functionality.

Figure . MCC Builder Showing Relationship between the Timer Peripheral Driver and its Dependency on the TMR1 PLIB.
Note: The Customer Name "Timer" will be used as a prefix for the generated API.
Note: In this case, the Timer dependency can be one of the following peripherals: TMR, SCCP* or MCCP**.
  • SCCP*: Single Capture/Compare/PWM
  • MCCP**: Multiple Capture/Compare/PWM

Generated Firmware

Drivers and Libraries may provide a portable interface consistent across different MCU devices. So, one is able to have a very similar interface to very different hardware peripherals. The interface will be provided in the form of a driver_interface.h file, containing a DRIVER_INTERFACE struct, which in this example defines the portable interface associated with the timer. In the image below, TMR_INTERFACE defines the portable interface associated with the timer.

Figure . Interface Provided for an Example Peripheral Driver (dsPIC33CK)
When writing code, one can reference the DRIVER_INTERFACE similarly to the way this is defined in the header file, as shown in the image below.

First, initialize the pointer to point to the address of the structure itself, then the interface API can be accessed as structure members. See pointers to structures.

ptrName = &structVariable;
ptrName —> memberName
Note: Some PLIBs may provide a portable interface, but their configuration interface will be specific to the peripheral hardware.
Figure . Interface for the Timer Peripheral Driver (dsPIC33CK)

An example application-level code for the dsPIC33CK is listed below, showing the use of the TimeoutCallbackRegister API from the Timer Interface.

#include "mcc_generated_files/system/system.h"

void Timer_Callback_100ms(void){

    Main application
int main(void)
Note: Requested Timer Period (ms) configured to 100

5.3 PLIBs (Peripheral Libraries)

Peripheral LIBraries (PLIB) provide a non-portable functional interface to the peripheral functionalities in the form of an API to support peripheral functionality.

  • Configuration: Easy View + Register Initialization panel.
  • Generated code: PERIPHERAL_Initialize( ) + API to develop application functionality.

Selection and Configuration

For most Peripheral Drivers, the PLIBS are automatically selected and added to the Project. The PLIBs provide a non-portable interface and are only accessible from the Builder view when the corresponding driver is added to the Project Resources. They are hidden from the Device Resources, Project Resources.

Figure . MCC Builder Showing a Hardware Peripheral Initializer, a PLIB, and their Respective Connections to Microcontroller Hardware Peripheral Instances

Some of the PLIBs might be available to be selected from the Device Resources.

The PLIBs can provide an Easy View to allow you to configure device-specific settings, which is optional, and PLIBS can choose not to provide that.

Note: The PLIBs also provide a register view that is not editable.

Generated Firmware

The PLIBs provide a fully functional interface for the peripheral functionality, but which is not fully provided by the Driver. In the image below, one can see the MPLAB X IDE Navigator view of the generated API.

Figure . TMR1 API Providing Low Level Direct Non-Portable Access to Peripheral Functions

5.4 Hardware Peripheral Initializers

Hardware peripherals provide non-portable direct access to peripherals and hardware registers. For bare metal development, it is useful if you only want to set up the peripheral but write your functions. The Hardware Peripheral Initializers allow for:

  1. Configuration.
  2. Generating direct register access code.


The initializer can be selected from Available or Device Resources and be made available in Project Resources.

The Initializers allow for Register Initialization, using the bit and register fields, as shown below.

Figure . Register Initialization for an Example Hardware Peripheral Initializer

Generated Firmware

A single function which initializes the peripheral <PERPHERAL>_Initialize( ) i.e., TMR0_Initialize( ); is generated.

Figure . Only 1 Function is Generated for Hardware Peripheral Initializers

The Initialize function has code comments to describe the settings made.

  1. T1CON: TCS FOSC/2
  2. T1CON: TSYNC: Enabled
  3. T1CON: TCKPS 1:256

The TMR1_Initialize function corresponding to the above configuration is shown below. Note how the configured settings are described in the generated comments.

Figure . <PERPHERAL>_Initialize( ) Function Generated for Hardware Peripheral Initializers

5.5 System Drivers

Provides system-level core functionality, like Clock, Interrupt and Pins. Some of these can be device-dependent.

System Firmware Configuration
System Interfaces handle core microcontroller configuration, which most peripherals trust. System Drivers can be either Drivers
(portable between MCUs) or PLIBs
(non-portable drivers). Consider the comparison of the System Drivers between the PIC18F16Q41 and the dsPIC33CK256MP508 shown below.
  • Configuration Bits: Set up the clock source for the system clock, whether or not the watchdog timer is enabled, etc.
  • Clock Control (System Clock): Besides clocking the CPU, the main system clock (or a scaled version of this) it is often used to clock peripherals.
Figure 5-2. System Drivers, Shown in Both Project Resources as well as the MCC Builder - PIC18F16Q41
Figure 5-3. System Drivers, Shown in Both Project Resources as well as the MCC Builder - dsPIC33CK256MP508

Root Level Files

File NameWhat Is in the File
systemHere, all the system peripherals are generated

API declaration for initializing the Hardware peripherals, Drivers, and Libraries in the project.

This file is called from main.c.


API implementation for initializing the Hardware peripherals, Drivers, and Libraries in the project.

The SYSTEM_Initialize() function initializes the MCU system (oscillators, clocks, flash wait states, etc.) and peripherals, which have been selected.

system/clock.hAPI declaration for initializing the clock registers. Automatically called from SYSTEM_Initialize()

Implementations for global interrupt handling.

For individual peripheral handlers, refer to peripheral driver [GN-M1] .

system/pins.hAPI for initializing the pins. Automatically called from SYSTEM_Initialize().
system/src/pins.cCode for initializing pins
driver folder

Each driver will have a dedicated folder name, which represents the behavior of the peripheral

(e.g.: UART, ADC).

System Initialization

An MCC Melody project, from the start of main( ), will call SYSTEM_Initialize();

This function, in turn, will call functions that initialize various system drivers and any other drivers which are added to the project.

void SYSTEM_Initialize(void)

Pin Interface

Three configuration screens handle pin configuration: Pins View, Pins Package view, and Pins Grid View.

Figure . Pin Configuration: Pins-, Pins Package- and Pins Grid-Views

Pins Grid View

The Pins Grid View provides a clear overview of the pin configuration. As new peripherals are added, additional rows are added for each aspect of functionality to which pins need to be assigned.

  • Tooltip is made dynamic that gives applicable information for guiding the user
  • By default, the Locked Pins Tooltip highlights the API name
  • User is allowed to make any pin selection. If a conflicting selection is made, it’ll be notified under the Notifications Tab

Pins View

After a specific pin has been assigned, either in Pins Grid View or Pins Package View, other pin aspects can be configured here. This pin functionality includes setting the pin as default high/low after initialization, enabling an internal pull up or associated interrupt options (e.g., falling edge), etc.

  • Columns now support additional pin attributes based on individual device families of PIC and AVR (i.e., Location, Slew Rate, Input Level Control)
  • Pin attribute headers are made more descriptive (e.g., OD > Open Drain, WPU > Weak Pullup)
  • Location attribute column is added that shows the physical pin location in the package
  • Sorting of column headers is provided for necessary attributes like Location, Pin Name, Module and Function

Pins Package View

  • The position is changed to the bottom left, adjacent to Versions Panel
  • Package can now change from both Package View and Grid View
  • Mouse scroll supports smooth zoom in/out
  • Secondary/Right click supports panning/drag
  • Additional Zoom-In/Out buttons are provided in the toolbar for easy navigation and step-wise zoom

Interrupt/Callback Interface

The interrupt manager functions as an indexing page, like a list of all peripheral interrupts.

Figure . MCC Melody Interrupt Manager
Many of the drivers have included a DriverCallbackRegister( ) function, encouraging the use of a callback rather than using the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) directly.
Note: Callbacks are not provided for all components.

The ISR is typically used to clear interrupt flags, then set the associated callback function, ensuring to keep the ISR sufficiently short to reduce the likelihood of interrupts interrupting each other and the appurtenant complexity of handling this safely.

A default overflow callback is provided (see the example below from tmr0.h). If you would like to place the callback at a specific place in your application (e.g., in main.c), it is then recommended to use the DriverXCallbackRegister() function, e.g., Timer.TimeoutCallbackRegister(Callback_name);

5.6 Firmware Development and Usage Models

MCC Melody supports higher-level development based on portable Libraries and Drivers to very low-level-device specific development based on PLIBs (Peripheral LIBraries) and Hardware Peripheral Initializer-based.

Throughout the entire range of applications, advanced capabilities are built upon fundamental support, and developers can scale projects up or down in complexity and capability without needing to extensively rewrite existing code, as often happens in an embedded environment.

This approach of utilizing cumulative capabilities provides the freedom to choose the development model that best serves the application’s needs, as represented in the figure.

Figure 5-4. MCC Melody Usage Model - All

Library Usage Model

MCC Melody libraries support complex and key technologies such as industry-leading Bootloaders, MQTT, USB Host, Device capabilities, etc.

Libraries are built upon MCC Melody drivers and system implementations and isolated from hardware details, allowing the same great library to work with several MCC Melody-supported devices. Generally, libraries are dependent on Drivers. See image above.

Driver Usage Model

MCC Melody provides seamless portability, interoperability, and peripheral and resource sharing with extremely minimal overhead and is easy to read. So, MCC Melody provides advanced capabilities such as a higher level of abstraction that gives better hardware independence at a low cost.

Figure 5-5. MCC Melody Driver Usage Model

PLIB Only Usage Model

Many developers prefer easy and direct control over peripherals. To support this model, a developer can use the MCC Melody to add additional peripheral libraries (PLIBs) to a project to generate device-specific code to initialize and control the selected peripherals. Again, the application developer must implement much of the logic, as shown by the block diagram below.

Figure 5-6. MCC Melody PLIB Only Usage Model

Initialization Only Usage Model

This support can be used to initialize basic functionality necessary to use the device. The application developer must create all additional logic when using MCC Melody to generate only minimal device configuration code, including any further peripheral control logic and potentially complex middleware. As shown by the diagram below, all additional code effectively becomes part of the application.

Figure 5-7. MCC Melody Usage Model - Initialization Only

Usage Model Examples


  • The external EEPROM Driver uses the SPI Driver interface to implement the EEPROM-specific functionality, without any direct knowledge of the SPI hardware
  • The SPI Driver uses the SPI PLIB to access the hardware features
Figure . EEPROM Driver Usage Model

SPI Driver

  • SPI functionality can be provided by an SPI or an MSSP** peripheral
  • The SPI driver provides an abstraction that works with either an SPI or an MSSP hardware peripheral
** Microchip's Master Synchronous Serial Port (MSSP) peripheral can operate in either a Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) or Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) modes.
Figure . SPI Driver Usage Model options

Ethernet Driver

  • Ethernet can be an MCU peripheral (on-chip) or can be provided via off-chip hardware
  • The Ethernet Driver will be independent of the hardware and provide an abstraction to the TCP/IP Library
  • The PLIB will be specific to the ethernet hardware
Figure . Ethernet Driver Usage Model Options