Read Device/Revision ID

The Read Device ID command (0x24) and the Read Revision ID command (0x28) will return the 16-bit Device ID and 16-bit Revision ID words, respectively, when the ICSP interface has been disabled using the ICSPDIS configuration bit. These 16-bit words are embedded in the 24-bit data payload, as shown in Figure   1 and in Figure   2, respectively. If the Programming and Debugging Interface Disable (PDID) feature is not being used (i.e., ICSPDIS = 1), or if the ICSP interface has temporarily been re-enabled using firmware stored in the device boot block (refer to the "Software ICSP Enable" section of the "Enhanced Code Protection" chapter in the device data sheet for more information), this command will always return a constant value of 0xA5A5. This method can be used during production programming to identify if the ICSPDIS feature has been enabled correctly.

Figure 3-15. Read Device ID Timing Diagram
Figure 3-16. Read Revision ID Timing Diagram