16.14.9 RxyI2C

I2C Pad Rxy Control Register

Important: Refer to the Pin Allocation Table for details about I2C compatible pins.
Name: RxyI2C

Bit 76543210 
 SLEW[1:0]PU[1:0]  TH[1:0] 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 

Bits 7:6 – SLEW[1:0]  I2C Specific Slew Rate Limiting Control

11 I2C fast-mode-plus (1 MHz) slew rate enabled. The SLRxy bit is ignored.
10 Reserved
01 I2C fast-mode (400 kHz) slew rate enabled. The SLRxy bit is ignored.
00 Standard GPIO Slew Rate; enabled/disabled via SLRxy bit

Bits 5:4 – PU[1:0]  I2C Pull-up Selection

11 Reserved
10 10x current of standard weak pull-up
01 2x current of standard weak pull-up
00 Standard GPIO weak pull-up, enabled via WPUxy bit

Bits 1:0 – TH[1:0]  I2C Input Threshold Selection

11 Reserved
10 SMBus 2.0 (2.1 V) input threshold
01 I2C-specific input thresholds
00 Standard GPIO Input pull-up, enabled via INLVLxy registers
Refer to the “Pin Allocation Table” for details about I2C compatible pins.