16.14.5 WPUx

Weak pull-up Register
  • The weak pull-up device is automatically disabled if the pin is configured as an output but this register remains unchanged.
  • If MCLRE = 1, the weak pull-up on MCLR pin is always enabled and the corresponding WPU bit is not affected.
  • Refer to the Pin Allocation Table for details about pin availability per port.
Name: WPUx

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 – WPUxn Weak Pull-up PORTx Control


Weak pull-up enabled


Weak pull-up disabled

The weak pull-up device is automatically disabled if the pin is configured as an output but this register remains unchanged. If MCLRE = 1, the weak pull-up on MCLR pin is always enabled and the corresponding WPU bit is not affected. Refer to the “Pin Allocation Table” for details about pin availability per port.