16.14.4 ANSELx

Analog Select Register
  • When setting a pin as an analog input, the corresponding TRIS bit must be set to Input mode in order to allow external control of the voltage on the pin.
  • Refer to the Pin Allocation Table for details about pin availability per port.
Name: ANSELx

Bit 76543210 
Reset 11111111 

Bits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 – ANSELxn Analog Select on Rx Pin

1 Analog input. Pin is assigned as analog input. Digital input buffer disabled.
0 Digital I/O. Pin is assigned to port or digital special function.
When setting a pin as an analog input, the corresponding TRIS bit must be set to Input mode in order to allow external control of the voltage on the pin. Refer to the “Pin Allocation Table” for details about pin availability per port.