3.4.1 Harmonic Analysis Output Quantities

The metrology module generates the following quantities to calculate appointed m-th order harmonic current RMS: I_A_m_R, I_A_m_I, I_B_m_R, I_B_m_I, I_C_m_R, I_C_m_I, I_N_m_R and I_N_m_I.

I_x_m_R is the real part of DFT of phase x current, x = [A, B, C, N].

I_x_m_I is imaginary part of DFT of phase x current, x = [A, B, C, N].

I_x_m_R and I_x_m_I are stored in sQ13.18 format.

The following formula is used to calculate the current RMS value of each phase:

Where, x = [A, B, C, N]; N is the number of samples in the last measurement interval.

The metrology module generates the following quantities to calculate appointed m-th order harmonic voltage RMS: V_A_m_R, V_A_m_I, V_B_m_R, V_B_m_I, V_C_m_R and V_C_m_I.

V_x_m_R is the real part of DFT of phase x voltage, x = [A, B, C].

V_x_m_I is imaginary part of DFT of phase x voltage, x = [A, B, C].

V_x_m_R and V_x_m_I are stored in sQ13.8 format.

The following formula is used to calculate the voltage RMS value of each phase:

Where, x = [A, B, C]; N is the number of samples in the last measurement interval.

Name: I_x_m_R, I_x_m_I, V_x_m_R. V_x_m_I
Offset: Metrology_Har_Out
Property: Read

Bit 3130292827262524 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 31:0 – I_x_m_R/I_x_m_i/V_x_m_R/V_x_m_i[31:0] Current/Voltage, phase-x, m-th harmonics (sQ13.8)