3.3.2 NAND Flash
The SAM9X75-Curiosity board has native support for NAND Flash memory through its NAND Flash controller. The board implements one MX30LF4G28AD 4 Gb (512M x 8) NAND Flash connected to the Chip Select of the microprocessor.
The following figure shows the NAND Flash.
The following table shows the NAND Flash PIO signal description.
PIO | Signal Name | Signal Description |
PD6 | NAND_D0_PD6 | Data 0 |
PD7 | NAND_D1_PD7 | Data 1 |
PD8 | NAND_D2_PD8 | Data 2 |
PD9 | NAND_D3_PD9 | Data 3 |
PD10 | NAND_D4_PD10 | Data 4 |
PD11 | NAND_D5_PD11 | Data 5 |
PD12 | NAND_D6_PD12 | Data 6 |
PD13 | NAND_D7_PD13 | Data 7 |
PD3 | NAND_CLE_PD3 | Command Latch Enable |
PD2 | NAND_ALE_PD2 | Address Latch Enable |
PD0 | NAND_RE_PD0 | Read Enable |
PD1 | NAND_WE_PD1 | Write Enable |
PD14 | NAND_RDY_PD14 | Ready/Busy# |
PD4 | NAND_CS_IN_PD4 | Chip Select |