47.4.16 I2C Bus Start/Stop Bits Requirements

Table 47-22. 
Standard Operating Conditions (unless otherwise stated)
Param. No.Sym.CharacteristicMin.Typ. †Max.UnitsConditions

Start condition

Setup time

100 kHz mode4700nsOnly relevant for Repeated Start condition
400 kHz mode600
1 MHz mode260

Start condition

Hold time

100 kHz mode4000nsAfter this period, the first clock pulse is generated
400 kHz mode600
1 MHz mode260

Stop condition

Setup time

100 kHz mode4000ns
400 kHz mode600
1 MHz mode260

Stop condition

Hold time

100 kHz mode4700ns
400 kHz mode1300
1 MHz mode500

* These parameters are characterized but not tested.

Figure 47-17. I2C Bus Start/Stop Bits Timing
Note: Refer to the Load Conditions figure for more details.