4.2.2 rf_fec_flash.h

#ifndef RF_FEC_FLASH_H
#define RF_FEC_FLASH_H
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* INCLUDES                                                                   */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* DEFINES                                                                    */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* TYPE DEFINITIONS                                                           */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* EXTERNAL PROTOTYPES                                                       */
#ifdef __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__
typedef union
    uint8_t bValue;
        uint8_t bfSD:1,      /* start decryption of RX buffer */
                bfSE:1,      /* start encryption of SRAM buffer */
                bfCNTE:5,    /* count of bytes to be encrypted */
                bfPBA:1;     /* second sync pattern on path B activated */

typedef union
    uint8_t bValue;
        uint8_t bfEC:1,      /* data error detected and corrected */
                bfPE:1,      /* parity error detected */
                bfNC:1,      /* not correctable error detected */
                bfCE:4;      /* count of corrected errors */

extern uFecCr_t g_fecCr;
extern uFecSr_t g_fecSr;
extern uint8_t g_fecTxDb[21];
extern uint8_t g_fecRxDb[21];

extern __root void ATA_fecEncryptSramBuffer_flash_C(void);
extern __root void ATA_fecDecryptRxBuffer_flash_C(void);

#elif defined __IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__

#endif /* RF_FEC_FLASH_H */