3.3 Evaluation Application

The user can test the ATA8352 device operating modes using an evaluation application. This evaluation application uses the demo kit setup, as shown in Figure 3-1 or Figure 3-2, with a USB connection to the PC and a PC Terminal application program (TeraTerm or similar setup with 115.2 kBaud, 8-bit data, 1 stop bit). The test application shows a test menu in the PC Terminal window (see the following figure).

Figure 3-6. Evaluation Application

The evaluation application switches the device into different operating modes until the user aborts the mode by making an entry (typically the letter ‘q'). During evaluation of the modes, the PC Terminal application displays the result data. The following table describes the operating modes or parameters that the user can select.

Table 3-1. Operating Mode Description
ParameterOperating Mode (OP-Mode)Description
0PR modeProver mode with 4-byte SSID and 4-byte RNR data
1VR modeVerifier mode with 4-byte SSID and 4-byte RNR data
2PRo modeProver offset mode with 4-byte SSID and 4-byte RNR data
3VRo mode Verifier offset mode with 4-byte SSID and 4-byte RNR data
4PRs modeProver secure mode with 4-byte SSID and 4-byte RNR data
5VRs modeVerifier secure mode with 4-byte SSID and 4-byte RNR data
6PRso modeProver offset secure mode with 4-byte SSID and 4-byte RNR data
7VRso modeVerifier offset secure mode with 4-byte SSID and 4-byte RNR data
ARX modeRX mode with 8-byte data
BTX mode TX mode with 8-byte data
CRXo mode RX offset mode with 8-byte data
DTXo modeTX offset mode with 8-byte data
EDEBUGReads debug data ToA and debug data accumulator
FPA_Test TX power test mode (1 ms RMS mode)
GPA-TestoTX power test offset mode (1 ms RMS mode)
HShort_PreambleTransmits telegram with short preamble
JSkip_SSIDTransmits telegram without SSID
KSymbol_MapDisplays symbol map
MTX_RX Freq. Changes RF channel between 6.52, 7.04, 7.56 and 7.987 GHz
NTX PA. Changes TX level between 0 and 15
PXTAL trimChanges crystal trimming
RRESETSets default configuration