Port Description

The following table lists the Two-Port Large SRAM signals in the generated macro.

Table . Two-Port Large SRAM Signals
PortDirectionDefault PolarityDescription
CLKInRising EdgeSingle clock to drive both WCLK and RCLK.
WD[]InWrite data.
WADDR[]InWrite address.
WENInActive-highWrite port enable.
WCLKInRising edgeWrite clock.
RCLKInRising edgeRead clock.
RENInActive-highRead data enable.
RADDR[]InRead address.
RD[]OutRead data.
RD_ENInActive-highRead data register enable.
RD_SRST_NInActive-lowRead data register Synchronous reset.
ARST_NInActive-lowRead data register Asynchronous reset.
SB_CORRECTOutActive-highSingle-bit correct flag.
DB_DETECTOutActive-highDouble-bit detect flag.
WBYTE_EN[]InActive-highWrite Byte Enables (per byte).