Peripheral Bus Access Errors
Some peripheral bus accesses (to the QSPI register interface) can result in errors if they generate an issue with the IP configuration.
Error flags considered as peripheral bus access errors are(1):
In addition to the above error flags, any peripheral bus access error sets the QSPI_ISR.SECE flag.
Peripheral bus access errors are reported through interrupts (via QSPI_ISR.SECE) and the QSPI_WPSR flags.
- When a peripheral bus access error occurs, disable the IP and then check and/or reconfigure all registers.
- QSPI_WPSR.SWETYP indicates the software error type when QSPI_WPSR.SWE is set. Note that SWETYP=UNDEF_DEVICE and SWETYP=UNEXP_DMACMD are not peripheral bus access errors.