2.3.1 PIC32 WFI32E Curiosity Board


The PIC32WFI32E Curiosity Board is a modular development board that supports rapid prototyping using on-chip MCU peripherals.

This board offers integrated programming/debugging features using PICkitTM On- Board (PKOB) debugger, and requires only a micro-USB power cable to power-up and program the board.

For debugging / programming, the platform offers the flexibility either to use the integrated PICkit On Board (PKOB) debugger through the Debug USB interface or either use In-Circuit Serial ProgrammingTM (ICSP) Header for External programmer/debuggers such as MPLAB® SNAP, PICkit 4, or MPLAB® ICD4.

The PIC32WFI32E Curiosity Board comes with a WFI32E03PC module mounted on the carrier board. Thus this module integrates FEM, PCB antenna and Trust&Go Secure Element is on board.

For more information search "PIC32 WFI32E Curiosity board". The board will have "WFI32E03PC" module.