2 PIR Sensor Theory

A PIR sensor detects changes in the amount of infrared radiation “seen” by the sensor elements, which varies depending on the temperature and surface characteristics of the object in front of the sensor.

When a person passes between the sensor and the background, the sensor detects the change from ambient temperature to body temperature, and back again. The sensor converts the resulting change in the incoming infrared radiation into a change in the output voltage (VPIR(t)), as shown in the PIR sensor motion detection principle. Other objects with the same temperature as the background, but with different surface characteristics, will also cause the sensor to detect a different emission pattern.
Figure 2-1. PIR Sensor Motion Detection Principle

The figure below shows a plot of the raw data captured from the sensor using Data Visualizer. A hand is placed over the sensor and held there for a short time and then removed.

Figure 2-2. PIR Sensor Raw Data Motion Detection Using Data Visualizer