4.6 Equalizer

The EQ provides the flexibility for compensating the imperfect frequency responses of the selected microphone and speaker. This function provides a 5-band customized filter for both MIC and speaker paths.

The following figure illustrates the interface to configure equalizers for both speaker and microphone paths using buttons.
  • Custom EQ – MIC (for Microphone path)
  • Custom EQ – SPK (for Speaker path)
Note: The custom EQs with mSBC is configured for the HFP 1.6, supporting the wideband (16 kHz sampling rate) speech features.
Figure 4-7. EQ Configuration Interface for Speaker and MIC Paths in SCO or Speech Mode
The following figure illustrates how to configure the equalizer functions.
Figure 4-8. Configuring the Equalizer Functions
The user must enter the required frequencies and gain/attenuations in the columns. The Quality (Q) factor columns are to configure the cutoff frequencies of each equalizer band. Therefore, if the value of Q is smaller, the wider the bandpass cutoff frequency (see the preceding figure). The M+ and MR buttons function as the calculator’s M+ and MR. The purpose of these two buttons are to record the frequency responses for easy analysis comparison.
  • Click the Save button to save the designed frequency response, and the system automatically stores the current EQ’s configuration into a file.

  • Click the Load Response button to restore the frequency response and EQ configurations from the previous design.

The section “Stage” configures the number of bands of the 1-order IIR filter. The fewer stages, then lower the MIPS and power consumption.

The following figure illustrates the functions of the Q factor.
Figure 4-9. Q Factor Function