1.1 Acronyms and Abbreviations

Table 1-1. Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronyms and AbbreviationsDescription
ADCAnalog-to-Digital Codec
AECAcoustic Echo Cancellation
AESAdvanced Encryption Standard
CVSDContinuous Variable Slope Delta
DACDigital-to-Analog Codec
DSPDigital Signal Processor
ECEcho Cancellation
ESEcho Suppression
GUIGraphic User Interface
HDHigh Definition
HFPHands-Free Profile
HPFHigh-Pass Filter
IIRInfinite Impulse Response
MACMedium Access Control
MEMSMicro-Electro Mechanical Systems
MIPSMega Instructions Per Second
1SPKMono speakerphone
mSBCModified Sub-Band Coding
NRNoise Reduction
SCOSynchronous Connection-Oriented
2SPKStereo Speakerphone
SPLSound Pressure Level
SNRSignal-to-Noise Ratio
VADVoice Activity Detection