3.4.1 Interrupt Vectors in ATmega165A/PA/325A/PA/3250A/PA/645A/P/6450A/P

A clarification for the source names of the Interrupt Vectors has been made to comply with the header file naming convention.

Table 3-7. Reset and Interrupt Vectors in ATmega165A/PA/325A/PA/645A/P
Vector No Program Address(2) Source Interrupts Definition
1 0x0000(1) RESET External pin, Power-on Reset, Brown-out Reset, Watchdog System Reset and JTAG AVR Reset
2 0x0002 INT0 External Interrupt Request 0
3 0x0004 PCINT0 Pin Change Interrupt Request 0
4 0x0006 PCINT1 Pin Change Interrupt Request 1
5 0x0008 TIMER2_COMP Timer/Counter2 Compare Match
6 0x000A TIMER2_OVF Timer/Counter2 Overflow
7 0x000C TIMER1_CAPT Timer/Counter1 Capture Event
8 0x000E TIMER1_COMPA Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A
9 0x0010 TIMER1_COMPB Timer/Coutner1 Compare Match B
10 0x0012 TIMER1_OVF Timer/Counter1 Overflow
11 0x0014 TIMER0_COMP Timer/Counter0 Compare Match
12 0x0016 TIMER0_OVF Timer/Counter0 Overflow
13 0x0018 SPI_STC SPI Serial Transfer Complete
14 0x001A USART0_RX USART Receive complete
15 0x001C USART0_UDRE USART Data Register Empty
16 0x001E USART0_TX USART Transmit complete
17 0x0020 USI_START USI Start Condition
18 0x0022 USI_OVERFLOW USI Overflow
19 0x0024 ANALOG_COMP Analog Comparator
20 0x0026 ADC ADC Conversion complete
21 0x0028 EE_READY EEPROM Ready
22 0x002A SPM_READY Store Program Memory Ready
  1. When the BOOTRST fuse is programmed, the device will jump to the boot loader address at Reset. See “Boot Loader Support – Read-While-Write Self-Programming”.
  2. When setting the IVSEL bit in MCUCR, Interrupt Vectors will be moved to the start of the boot Flash section. The address of each Interrupt Vector will then be the address in this table added to the start address of the boot Flash section.
The table below shows Reset and Interrupt Vectors placement for the different BOOTRST and IVSEL settings combinations. If the program never enables an interrupt source, the Interrupt Vectors are not used, and regularly program code can be placed at these locations. This is also the case if the Reset Vector is in the Application section while the Interrupt Vectors are in the Boot section or vice versa.
Table 3-8. Reset and Interrupt Vectors Placement
BOOTRST(1) IVSEL Reset Address Interrupt Vectors Start Address
1 0 0x000 0x002
1 1 0x000 Boot Reset Address + 0x0002
0 0 Boot Reset Address 0x002
0 1 Boot Reset Address Boot Reset Address + 0x0002
Note: 1. For the BOOTRST Fuse, “1” means unprogrammed, while “0” means programmed.
The most typical and general program setup for the Reset and Interrupt Vector Addresses are:
Address   Labels    Code                         Comments
0x0000               jmp      RESET               ; Reset Handler
0x0002               jmp      INT0                ; IRQ0 Handler 
0x0004               jmp      PCINT0              ; PCINT0 Handler
0x0006               jmp      PCINT1              ; PCINT1 Handler
0x0008               jmp      TIMER2_COMP         ; Timer2 CompareA Handler
0x000A               jmp      TIMER2_OVF          ; Timer2 Overflow Handler
0x000C               jmp      TIMER1_CAPT         ; Timer1 Capture Handler
0x000E               jmp      TIMER1_COMPA        ; Timer1 CompareA Handler
0x0010               jmp      TIMER1_COMPB        ; Timer1 CompareB Handler
0x0012               jmp      TIMER1_OVF          ; Timer1 Overflow Handler
0x0014               jmp      TIMER0_COMP         ; Timer0 Compare Handler
0x0016               jmp      TIMER0_OVF          ; Timer0 Overflow Handler
0x0018               jmp      SPI_STC             ; SPI Transfer Complete Handler
0x001A               jmp      USART0_RX           ; USART RX Complete Handler
0x001C               jmp      USART0_UDRE         ; USART UDR Empty Handler
0x0020               jmp      USI_START           ; USI Start Condition Handler
0x0022               jmp      USI_UDREOVERFLOW    ; USI Overflow Handler
0x0024               jmp      ANALOG_COMP         ; Analog Comparator Handler
0x0026               jmp      ADC                 ; ADC Conversion Complete Handler
0x0028               jmp      EE_READY            ; EEPROM Ready Handler
0x002A               jmp      SPM_READY           ; SPM Ready Handler
0x0034    RESET:     ldi      r16,high(RAMEND)    ; Main program start     
0x0035               out      SPH,r16             ; Set Stack Pointer to top of RAM
0x0036               ldi      r16,low(RAMEND)
0x0037               out      SPL,r16
0x0038               sei                          ; Enable interrupts
0x0039               <instr>  xxx
...       ...        ...                             ...
When the BOOTRST Fuse is unprogrammed, the Boot section size is set to 2 KB, and the MCUCR.IVSEL is set before any interrupts are enabled, the most typical and general program setup for the Reset and Interrupt Vector Addresses are:
Address   Labels     Code                         Comments
0x0000   RESET:      ldi      r16,high(RAMEND)    ; Main program start
0x0001               out      SPH,r16             ; Set Stack Pointer to top of RAM
0x0002               ldi      r16,low(RAMEND)
0x0003               out      SPL,r16
0x0004               sei                          ; Enable interrupts
0x0005               <instr> xxx
.org 0x1C02
0x1C02               jmp      EXT_INT0            ; IRQ0 Handler
0x1C04               jmp      EXT_INT1            ; IRQ1 Handler
...                           ...      ...                 ;
0x1C32               jmp      SPM_RDY             ; SPM Ready Handler
When the BOOTRST Fuse is programmed and the Boot section size is set to 2 KB, the most typical and general program setup for the Reset and Interrupt Vector Addresses are:
Address   Labels     Code                         Comments
.org 0x0002
0x0002               jmp      EXT_INT0            ; IRQ0 Handler
0x0004               jmp      EXT_INT1            ; IRQ1 Handler
...                  ...      ...                 ;
0x0032               jmp      SPM_RDY             ; SPM Ready Handler
.org  0x1C00
0x1C00    RESET:    ldi      r16,high(RAMEND)    ; Main program start
0x1C01              out      SPH,r16             ; Set Stack Pointer to top of RAM
0x1C02              ldi      r16,low(RAMEND)
0x1C03              out      SPL,r16
0x1C04              sei                          ; Enable interrupts
0x1C05              <instr>  xxx
When the BOOTRST Fuse is programmed, the Boot section size is set to 2 KB, and the MCUCR.IVSEL is set before any interrupts are enabled, the most typical and general program setup for the Reset and Interrupt Vector Addresses are:
Address    Labels    Code                         Comments
.org 0x1C00
0x1C00               jmp      RESET               ; Reset handler
0x1C02               jmp      EXT_INT0            ; IRQ0 Handler
0x1C04               jmp      EXT_INT1            ; IRQ1 Handler
...                  ...      ...                 ;
0x1C32               jmp      SPM_RDY             ; SPM Ready Handler
0x1C34    RESET:     ldi      r16,high(RAMEND)    ; Main program start
0x1C35               out      SPH,r16             ; Set Stack Pointer to top of RAM
0x1C36               ldi      r16,low(RAMEND)
0x1C37               out      SPL,r16
0x1C38               sei                          ; Enable interrupts
0x1C39              <instr>  xxx
Table 3-9. Reset and Interrupt Vectors in ATmega3250A/PA/6450A/P
Vector No Program Address(2) Source Interrupts definition
1 0x0000(1) RESET External pin, Power-on Reset, Brown-out Reset, Watchdog Reset and JTAG AVR Reset.
2 0x0002 INT0 External Interrupt Request 0
3 0x0004 PCINT0 Pin Change Interrupt Request 0
4 0x0006 PCINT1 Pin Change Interrupt Request 1
5 0x0008 TIMER2_COMP Timer/Counter2 Compare Match
6 0x000A TIMER2_OVF Timer/Counter2 Overflow
7 0x000C TIMER1_CAPT Timer/Counter1 Capture Event
8 0x000E TIMER1_COMPA Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A
9 0x0010 TIMER1_COMPB Timer/Counter1 Compare Match B
10 0x0012 TIMER1_OVF Timer/Counter1 Overflow
11 0x0014 TIMER0_COMP Timer/Counter0 Compare Match
12 0x0016 TIMER0_OVF Timer/Counter0 Overflow
13 0x0018 SPI_STC SPI Serial Transfer Complete
14 0x001A USART0_RX USART0 Receive complete
15 0x001C USART0_UDRE USART Data Register Empty
16 0x001E USART0_TX USART Transmit complete
17 0x0020 USI_START USI Start condition
18 0x0022 USI_OVERFLOW USI Overflow
19 0x0024 ANALOG_COMP Analog Comparator
20 0x0026 ADC ADC Conversion complete
21 0x0028 EE_READY EEPROM Ready
22 0x002A SPM_READY Store Program Memory Ready
23 0x002C NOT_USED Reserved
24 0x002E PCINT2 Pin Change Interrupt Request 2
25 0x0030 PCINT3 Pin Change Interrupt Request 3
  1. When the BOOTRST fuse is programmed, the device will jump to the boot loader address at Reset. See “Boot Loader Support – Read-While-Write Self-Programming”.
  2. When setting the IVSEL bit in MCUCR, Interrupt Vectors will be moved to the start of the boot Flash section. The address of each Interrupt Vector will then be the address in this table added to the start address of the boot Flash section.
The most typical and general program setup for the Reset and Interrupt Vector Addresses is:
Address   Labels    Code                         Comments
0x0000               jmp      RESET               ; Reset Handler
0x0002               jmp      INT0                ; IRQ0 Handler 
0x0004               jmp      PCINT0              ; PCINT0 Handler
0x0006               jmp      PCINT1              ; PCINT1 Handler
0x0008               jmp      TIMER2_COMP         ; Timer2 CompareA Handler
0x000A               jmp      TIMER2_OVF          ; Timer2 Overflow Handler
0x000C               jmp      TIMER1_CAPT         ; Timer1 Capture Handler
0x000E               jmp      TIMER1_COMPA        ; Timer1 CompareA Handler
0x0010               jmp      TIMER1_COMPB        ; Timer1 CompareB Handler
0x0012               jmp      TIMER1_OVF          ; Timer1 Overflow Handler
0x0014               jmp      TIMER0_COMP         ; Timer0 Compare Handler
0x0016               jmp      TIMER0_OVF          ; Timer0 Overflow Handler
0x0018               jmp      SPI_STC             ; SPI Transfer Complete Handler
0x001A               jmp      USART0_RX           ; USART RX Complete Handler
0x001C               jmp      USART0_UDRE         ; USART UDR Empty Handler
0x0020               jmp      USI_START           ; USI Start Condition Handler
0x0022               jmp      USI_UDREOVERFLOW    ; USI Overflow Handler
0x0024               jmp      ANALOG_COMP         ; Analog Comparator Handler
0x0026               jmp      ADC                 ; ADC Conversion Complete Handler
0x0028               jmp      EE_READY            ; EEPROM Ready Handler
0x002A               jmp      SPM_READY           ; SPM Ready Handler
0x002C               jmp      NOT_USED            ; Reserved Handler
0x002E               jmp      PCINT2              ; PCINT2 Handler Handler
0x0030               jmp      PCINT3              ; PCINT3 Handler Handler
0x0034    RESET:     ldi      r16,high(RAMEND)    ; Main program start     
0x0035               out      SPH,r16             ; Set Stack Pointer to top of RAM
0x0036               ldi      r16,low(RAMEND)
0x0037               out      SPL,r16
0x0038               sei                          ; Enable interrupts
0x0039               <instr>  xxx
...       ...        ...                             ...