3.3.1 Power Management and Sleep Modes

A clarification has been made to the Active clock domains and wake-up sources in the different sleep modes table to make the headings visible.

Table 10-1. Active Clock Domains and Wake-Up Sources in the Different Sleep Modes

Active Clock Domains Oscillators Wake-up Sources Software BOD Disable
Sleep Mode clkCPU clkFLASH clkIO clkADC clkASY Main Clock Source Enabled Timer Osc Enabled INT0 and Pin Change USI Start Condition LCD Controller Timer2 SPM/ EEPROM Ready ADC Other I/O
Idle X X X X X(2) X X X X X X X
ADC NRM X X X X(2) X(3) X X(2) X(2) X X
Power-down X(3) X X
Power-save X X X(3) X X X X
Standby(1) X X(3) X X
  1. Only recommended with external XTAL or resonator selected as clock source.
  2. If Timer/Counter2 is running in asynchronous mode.
  3. For INT0, only level interrupt.